Concert Slipknot, Jinjer si Vended la Romexpo – 20 Iulie –   Un show electric care a zguduit Bucurestiul

Am asteptat cu nerabdare show-ul acesta inca de acum 2 ani cand a fost anuntat. Pandemia ne-a pus bete-n roate si a trebuit sa ne punem la bataie rabdarea pana anul acesta. Saptamana a fost plina de concerte mari la Romexpo, dar acesta este cel la care mi-am dorit inca din facultate sa ajung. Am ajuns in parcarea C pe la ora 6 in timp ce termometrul era blocat pe la 37°C la umbra. Accesul s-a facut relativ usor in locatie si mai toti cautam un loc bun sa vedem concertul. Primi pe scena au fost Vended, trupa din care fac parte doi componenti care au tați în Slipknot.

© Carlos Funes

Cred ca pe langa presiunea oferita de publicul numeros, s-au adaugat si emotiile de a performa pe aceiasi scena cu parintele tau. Trupa atinge mai multe tipuri de metal: alternative metal, alternative rock, death metal, grindcore, groove metal, hard rock, heavy metal, metalcore, nu metal, pop rock, post-grunge, rap metal, shock rock, speed metal and thrash metal. Au cantat melodii de pe primul lor album lansat: What is it/Kill it (2021) si au sunat chiar bine.

© Carlos Funes

Cu toata nebunia din Ucraina, ma bucur ca am vazut din nou Jinjer pe o scena din Romania. Mi s-a parut un nice touch logo-ul trupei in culorile steagului ucrainian de pe fundalul scenei. Cred ca asta este trupa de care nu o sa ma satur sa o vad, fiind a 4-a oara cand ii vad si ascult live. Tatiana nu a dezamagit nici de data asta, cu stilul vestimentar caracteristic si vocea puternica ne-a umplut de energie pentru ce urma sa se intample pe scena Metalhead Meeting. Emotionant a fost momentul in care a mentionat criza din tara lor si a tinut sa multumeasca pentru sprijinul oferit de Romania pana acum.

© Carlos Funes

Productia concertului Slipknot ne-a oferit un spectacol pe cinste, mult mai bun decat speram vreodata. Scena a fost impartita pe mai multe nivele, instrumentele fiind pozitionate pe inaltimea scenei. Fiind primul concert in Romania al trupei, Romexpo a fost plin de toate categoriile de varsta, in ochii carora se vedea cat de mare a fost asteptarea. Am avut parte de toata energia trupei, Romania fiind punctul de start al turneului european de anul acesta.

© Carlos Funes

Costumele, luminile, sunetul au surprins si pe cei mai sceptici dintre noi. Si daca acesta a fost concertul premierelor, am ascultat pentru prima data live si melodia noua „The Chapeltown Rag” de pe albumul „ The end, so far” care va fi lansat pe 30 Septembrie. Am venit cu singura asteptare sa ascult „Snuff”- melodia mea de betie din facutate, live. Desi nu speram sa se intample deoarece nu a mai fost in playlistul trupei de foarte mult timp, totusi dumnezeul metalistilor exista si s-a intamplat minunea. Am avut parte de extaz si fericire suprema de cand am auzit primele acorduri. Oh, the memories!

© Carlos Funes

Au cantat 16 piese iar spre sfarsit am avut parte si de un moment emotionant cand fiul lui  Corey Taylor, Griffin Taylor de la Vended a urcat pe scena și au făcut un duet tată-fiu pe melodia „Custer”. Ultimele 3 piese au fost cantate fara pauza, doar scurte intrerupe ale lui Corey in care ne intreba ”Do you want more?” si raspunsul nostru cred ca s-a auzit de la Calarasi. Si pentru ca nu ne mai saturam, dupa o scurta pauza, au urcat din nou pentru biss si ne-au incantat cu: „People = Shit” si „Surfacing”.

In concluzie, wow ce spectacol! Cand ziceau ca vin iar? 😀

Concert Dark Tranquillity si Ensiferum la Arenele Romane (Open Air) – 15 mai 2022-Recenzie

Well I have to tell you a story!

Am ajuns la acces cand prima trupa incepea show-ul, se auzea bine rau si am fost impresionata inca de la primele note. Surpriza mare a fost in momentul in care am vazut pe scena fetele de la GWENDYDD, trupa de melodic death metal/metalcore  originara din Bulgaria care m-au facut sa ma indragostesc pe loc de muzica lor. Energia si starea de bine pe care au transmis-o catre noi au fost uimitoare, cu atat mai mult ca vorbim de prima trupa care urca pe scena in seara asta.

© Carlos Funes

Pauza dintre trupe a fost de doar 15 minute, nemaipomenite pentru a-ti trage sufletul si a te hidrata pentru urmatoarea trupa. Si, man, cum a fost urmatoarea trupa… 🙂

© Carlos Funes

Au urcat pe scena germanii de la  PYOGENESIS, trupa de alternative rock / gothic metal cu mult chef de distractie. Am ras cu lacrimi pe tot parcursul show-ului, au avut toata energia din lume si ne au dat-o pe toata cat au stat pe scena. Pe langa membrii trupei pe scena a fost prezent si un baiat de la tehnic care a facut deliciul publicului.

© Carlos Funes

Situatia a devenit un pic mai serioasa o data cu urcarea pe scena a celor de la Ensiferum. Trupa deja cunoscuta si iubita pe la noi care au facut un spectacol pe cinste. Au echilibrat foarte bine atmosfera intre cele doua trupe si capul de afis al serii.

© Carlos Funes

Dupa inca 15 minute de pauza au urcat pe scena Dark Tranquillity iar entuziasmul publicului s-a simtit pe scena. Au deschis concertul cu melodia: ”Identical to None”, apoi au reusit sa pastreze publicul atent tot concertul. Au cantat 13 melodii, dintre care 4 de pe albumul ”Moment”. Concertul s-a incheiat fara bis cu piesa: ”Lost to Apathy” .

© Carlos Funes

In concluzie, de mult n-am mai fost la un concert atat de bine inchegat cap-coada. Toate trupele au fost cam in acelasi film din punct de vedere muzical dar si al energiei transmise noua.

Concertul Dream Theater se mută la Arenele Romane!

Formația DREAM THEATER va ajunge la București pe 29 mai 2022, în cadrul turneului “Top Of The World Tour – Europe 2022”, pentru a prezenta live publicului din România noul produs discografic intitulat „A View From The Top Of The World”, material lansat pe 22 octombrie 2021, prin InsideMusic.
Invitatul special în cadrul turneului este artistul canadian DEVIN TOWNSEND.

Concertul programat inițial la Romexpo din București se mută la Arenele Romane.

Biletele achiziționate rămân valabile pentru noua locație.
Biletele sunt disponibile online exclusiv prin AICI la următoarele prețuri:
250lei – 179lei: Acces General Presale 1 (ultimele 20 de bucăți)
250lei – 219lei: Acces General Presale 2
250lei: Acces General (preț în ziua evenimentului)
290lei – 259lei: Golden Presale 2 (ultimele 200 de bucăți)
290lei: Golden (preț în ziua evenimentului)
350lei – 299lei: Tribună Presale sectoarele K și E + zona Golden (300 de bucăți)
350lei: Tribună sectoarele K și E + zona Golden (preț în ziua evenimentului)

Deoarece până în acest moment 3 categorii de bilete sunt Sold Out și pentru faptul că evenimentul a fost mutat la Arenele Romane, vă recomandăm să achiziționați din timp biletele online pentru a nu rămâne fără ele.

KISS va concerta pentru prima oara in Romania!

Numaratoarea inversa incepe!

KISS va concerta pentru prima oara in Romania, un eveniment marca East European Production, D&D East Entertainment si Marcel Avram!

💥16 iulie 2022, Romexpo!

💥In deschidere, Whitesnake, Powerwolf si Saint’n’Sinners!



Dream Theater va susține un concert în România!

Chiar și după sute de spectacole, peste 15 milioane de discuri vândute, două nominalizări la premiile GRAMMY și aproape patru decenii împreună, DREAM THEATER continuă să surprindă cu noi materiale discografice.
Formația va ajunge la București pe 29 mai 2022, pentru a prezenta live publicului din România noul produs discografic intitulat „A View From The Top Of The World”, material ce va fi lansat pe 22 octombrie 2021 prin InsideMusic.

Concertul de la București este organizat de către Promusic Events și Maximum Rock, iar biletele sunt disponibile prin
Primele bilete au preț earlybird și se pun în vanzare pe 03.09.2021 (ora 10.00), la următoarele prețuri:

250lei – 159lei – Acces General Earlybird
250lei – 179lei – Acces General Presale 1 (300 de bucăți)
250lei – 219lei – Acces General Presale 2
250lei – Acces General (preț în ziua evenimentului)
290lei – 189lei – Golden Earlybird
290lei – 229lei – Golden Presale 1
290lei – 259lei – Golden Presale 2
290lei – Golden (preț în ziua evenimentului)
350lei – 250lei – Tribună Earlybird
350lei – 299lei – Tribună Presale (300 de bucăți)
350lei – Tribună (preț în ziua evenimentului)
1.300lei – Summit VIP Package (Dream T)*
755lei – Base Camp VIP Package (Dream T)**
Pachetele Meet & Greet sunt valabile doar însoțite de un bilet de eveniment. Acestea se achiziționează separat.

Summit VIP Package:
– Pre-show socially distanced photo opportunity with members of Dream Theater.
– One (1) VIP Exclusive Wall Flag
– One (1) Guitar Pick Set and Collectors Tin
– One (1) Signed 8×10 Photo
– One (1) Commemorative Laminate with Lanyard
– One (1) VIP Exclusive Album Enamel Pin
– Onsite VIP Host
– Limited Availability

** Base Camp VIP Package:
– One (1) VIP Exclusive Wall Flag
– One (1) Guitar Pick Set and Collectors Tin
– One (1) Signed 8×10 Photo
– One (1) Commemorative Laminate with Lanyard
– One (1) VIP Exclusive Album Enamel Pin
– Onsite VIP Host
– Limited Availability


Înființat în 1985 de trei studenți la prestigiosul colegiu de muzică Berklee – basistul John Myung, chitaristul John Petrucci și bateristul Mike Portnoy – Dream Theater este grupul muzical care s-a impus ca port-stindard al sonorităților progresive în lumea metal.

Stabiliți în New York, acești muzicieni au adus, mai mult decât oricare alții, în atenția iubitorilor de muzică mai agresivă, un stil compozițional plin de schimbări de tempo, măsuri mixte, modulații surprinzătoare și structuri complexe, toate acestea fără a renunța la elementele definitorii pentru metal.

După un prim album alături de solistul vocal Charlie Dominici – When Dream and Day Unite, apărut în 1989 – postul de frontman a fost preluat de canadianul James LaBrie, care a rămas până astăzi vocea Dream Theater.

Trupa a căpătat tot mai multă vizibilitate pe scena rock și metal, cu albume ca Images and Words, Metropolis Part 2: Scenes from a Memory sau Train of Thought intrate definitiv în canonul genului. La clape s-au succedat virtuozii Kevin Moore, Derek Sherinian și, în cele din urmă, Jordan Rudess (astăzi deja membru de 22 de ani), însă în rest singura schimbare majoră a avut loc odată cu plecarea membrului fondator Mike Portnoy, înlocuit în 2010 de Mike Mangini.

Chiar și traiectoria ulterioară a unora dintre cei trecuți prin Dream Theater – în special, evident, Portnoy – și proiectele separate ale celor care au rămas pe loc arată creativitatea excepțională a muzicienilor care au activat de-a lungul timpului în trupă.

Cel mai recent album, Distance Over Time, apărut acum doi ani, este ca o sinteză muzicală a carierei trupei, apreciat atât de fanii noi, mereu uimiți de versatilitatea și virtuozitatea acestor muzicieni, cât și de cei mai vechi, care reclamau într-o vreme excesul de tehnică, preferând cântecele inspirate și mai firești – sau mai ușor de urmărit, în funcție de perspectivă.

Pe cât sunt de finisate albumele de studio Dream Theater, pe atât de fascinante sunt concertele, unde dragostea de muzică și entuziasmul membrilor trupei, parcă neatinse de trecerea anilor, îi încântă pe cei deja cuceriți și îi cuceresc pe cei mai sceptici.

Judas Priest la Bucuresti: S-au pus biletele in vanzare

Judas Priest revin la Bucuresti pe 20 iulie 2021 la Arenele Romane in cadrul turneului aniversar 50 Heavy Metal Years! 

Astazi, 3 Decembrie, s-au pus in vanzare biletele pentru concert.

Biletele se gasesc in format electronic pe si in magazinele Flanco, Diverta, Carturesti, Metrou Unirii 1, Muzica, IQ BOX, Uman, Casa de Balet si pe terminalele Selfpay. Online, puteti plati cu cardul, Paypal,carduri de tichete culturale Sodexo, pe factura la Vodafone sau Orange sau ramburs prin Fan Courier oriunde in tara.

Biletele au urmatoarele preturi:

– Premium (cu loc) – 319 lei in earlybird, 349 lei in presale si 370 la intrare 

– Teren (fara loc, in fata scenei) – 229 lei in earlybird, 259 in presale si 280 la intrare

– Acces General (cu loc) – 139 lei in earlybird, 159 lei in presale si 180 lei la intrare

Perioada earlybird este limitata la primele 200 de bilete din fiecare categorie

Pentru biletele “cu loc” accesul se face doar prin parc prin lateralele arenei. 

Pentru biletele de pe Teren accesul se face pe la portile de jos din parc ale Arenelor Romane.

Biletele ofera participantilor acces doar in categoriile in care si-au cumparat bilet.

La pretul tuturor biletelor comandate in earlybird si presale se adauga comisionul de emitere bilet de 10 lei.

Copiii sub 2 ani au acces gratuit doar in zona Teren (nu si pe scaune) si insotiti de un adult posesor de bilet valabil.

Recomandam fanilor care vin cu copii sub 10 ani sa le proteje acestora urechile cu casti speciale. La concert volumul va fi puternic si acesta poate afecta auzul copiilor.

Organizatorii vor organiza suficiente puncte de vanzare a bauturilor pentru a evita cozile, Arenele Romane fiind o locatie propice pentru evenimentele de gen. Recomandam totusi sa veniti la concert din timp si nu fix inainte de Judas Priest. Este normal ca la orele de varf, fix inainte de intrarea pe scena a trupei cand se atinge capacitatea maxima a locatiei, barurile sa se aglomereze. Organizatorii vor oferi un program detaliat cu cateva saptamani inainte de concert.

Un eveniment METALHEAD powered by ROCK FM

Concert Moonspell și Rotting Christ în club Quantic

Regii portughezi ai Darkmetal-ului: MOONSPELL și pionierii Black/Darkmetal-ului grecesc: ROTTING CHRIST își unesc puterile pe 16 noiembrie la Quantic, pentru a da o nouă definiție întunericului.

Spectacolul din București face parte din turneul european pe care cele două trupe legendare îl vor face în această toamnă în mai mult de 25 de țări, peste 50 de orașe.

Moonspell: “Suntem nerăbdători să plecăm în această călătorie europeană epică împreună cu frații noștri din sud: Rotting Christ. Vom avea în sfârșit posibilitatea să prezentăm pe scenă întreaga producție a albumului 1755 și vom putea să ne întâlnim din nou cu fanii români”.

Sakis, Rotting Christ: “În numele formației anunț cu mândrie că, în cadrul celui mai lung turneu european pe care l-am făcut vreodată, vom putea să vă prezentăm noul nostru album The Heretics pe 16 noiembrie, la București, alături de vechii noștri prieten de la Moonspell. NON SERVIAM”.

Prețuri bilete:

PRESALE: 100 de bilete la 70 de lei / buc
Bilet normal: 700 de bilete la 100 de lei / buc

Septicflesh live in Bucharest – concert review

The first months of 2019 were pretty quite regarding big shows, but somehow March and April unleashed the mayhem. Everyting started on a Saturday night, on 31th March, when I was heading to Quantic club to attend a very special show of one of my favorite bands. Maximum Rock announced that Septicflesh will return to our lands months ago and the hype got really real.

Science of Disorder was the first act of the night. Knew nothing of them and had no expectations. Though I arrived a short time after they started playing I managed to listen enough to have an opinion. The first thought that came through my mind was the similar sound they had to Septicflesh. Actually, I think they might have been the closest band to the headliner from that night, which is never a bad thing. I always enjoy seeing bands that come from the same range of vibes and sounds. Not saying they have the same songs or hit the same notes, but was definitely something different from those generic fast heavy riffs. They had a pretty decent public which they managed to engage and keep alive. The funny thing was the aspect of the band members. For what was going to happen that night in Quantic, the guys seemed a bit „soft”. However, the show was a real success and got the audience hyped for rest of the night.

Photo by Carlos Funes

Diabolical was the band that caught my attention from the very first song. Though I find the capes a bit generic and mainstream for this kind of bands, their unique sound was really intriguing. There was this perfect balance between heavy riffs, melodic parts, and growling and kept me there, starring. They made such a transition between the first band and those who were to come, that you would have no doubt you came to the right Death/Black metal show. Diabolical is certainly a band focused on atmospheric elements, from the black capes to the warm light colors and a constant feeling of darkness. You know a band is good when the people outside the venue are starting to come and watch, nodding their heads and whispering to each other, while keeping their eyes on the stage. I really hope to see them again soon.

Photo by Carlos Funes

About Krisiun I don’t precisely what to say because I knew them before but I was never really a fan. However, they made a show to remember and the audience loved every moment. Despite their raw riffs coming from Moyses Kolesne, the brothers Kolesne are the perfect driving force behind the band with vocalist Alex Camargo‘s brutal “approach”. It was a show on point, full of energy, moshpits, and smiles, marked by surprising cover. I didn’t get the chance to see Motorhead live, but Krisiun made “Ace of Spades” sound really authentic.

Photo by Carlos Funes

After half-an-hour set change and sound checking, we finally got to be introduced to the Greek Gods. In my opinion, Septicflesh is one the best bands one can see live. They know how to put up a show like no one else. Their connection with the audience, the way they are always trying to engage the people, the record-like sound, the attitude of Seth, all of these are the pieces of an exceptional show. The only downfall was the heavy amount of dry ice which never really cleared so anyone could catch a proper view of the band. In a way it was a plus for the atmosphere.

Photo by Carlos Funes

The classical „Destroy Style” Septicflesh atmosphere never really left the stage. The show started with „Portrait of the Headless Man” and lasted a little more than an hour, where each song seemed to have every human emotion playing on stage with the raspy high-pitched vocals of Seth.

The thing I love about Seth, the leader of the band, is how he interacts with the crowd and how he s trying to make them a part of this huge orchestration. You could really feel that each band member was well prepared to give everything they had, and so they did.

Photo by Carlos Funes

We got the chance to listen to songs from Codex Omega like “Enemy of Truth” and “Martyr”, but the best moments of the show were the crowd became really enthusiastic were during “Pyramid God”, “Prometheus” and „Persepolis”. However, “Anubis” was the moment when everyone lost their minds, singing, screaming, jumping, feeling every note.

Photo by Carlos Funes

I didn’t realize how full the club was until I called it a night a left the club. The night overall was a big success, and I cannot wait to see the bands again, soon. Until then, many thanks to Maximum Rock for make it happen this time.

Godsmack/Like a Storm live in Bucharest – concert review

On a lovely 1st April Monday, a perfect combo I might say, my steps took me to Arenele Romane, where I was going to fully enjoy a Godsmack and Like a Storm show. I knew the schedule will have no delay so I was at the venue by 7:30 PM.

Photo by Carlos Funes

Like A Storm is a band that came to our lovely country from New Zealand. I am a big fan of those guys for some years now and had some expectations regarding their show. With a sound so loud it forced me to wear earplugs, the guys took the stage, opening things up with lead singer Chris Brooks on the didgeridoo (very unusual instrument for such a band). As this was a first for me, and likely for most in attendance, but the combination of didgeridoo with the heavy guitar riffs of Matt Brooks, coupled with the strong bass lines of Kent Brooks, seemed to work perfectly. Like A Storm performed a short, but extremly energetic set that included past hits such as “Wish You Hell”, “Become The Enemy”, and closing with “Love The Way You Hate Me” (favorite song). The last song had a little special moment when Chris threw himself in the audience, jumping and singing around. They engaged the public in such a way that by the end of the show they definitely left with a strong romanian fan base. However, the sound was so loud I could barely understand the vocals in some songs. Overall the show was great and raised to my expectations.

Photo by Carlos Funes

So this was Godsmack’s second show in Bucharest. Usually, two days in a raw shows make me skeptical about the audience. To my surprise, the show was almost sold out (the first one was a full-house) and there was little space to move or breath.

Áfter the usually “move things around the stage” break, the Boston natives attacked with the song “Someday” from their latest release “When legends Rise”. With his trademark vocal power, frontman Sully Erna delivered a high energy set with records like “When Legends Rise”, “Unforgettable”, “Someday”, and “Bulletproof”. Guitarist Tony Rombola delivered the goods in his own inimitable style, and although he may not be flashy, he can certainly hold his own music wise, putting out some of the heaviest guitar riffs.

Photo by Carlos Funes

As for Shannon himself, he is just a treat to watch, putting on a drum show that might as well stand for himself. With arms flying in ways that the human body isn’t meant to move or catching his drum sticks while holding down the beat, Shannon truly is a master at what he does. However, the highlight of the drumming part was the battle between Sully and Shannon, “Batalla de los Tambores”. Featuring two drum sets that move out towards the front of the stage, Sully and Shannon have a drum off, taking turns drumming back and forth and also together at times with killer precision. Judging by the smiles on their faces, this might be their favorite part of the show too.

Sully didnt’t waste too much time chattering between songs, so Godsmack delivered a killer 2 hours set of heavy rock, which also included hits from the past including “1000HP”, “Cryin’ Like A Bitch”, “Voodoo”, and “Whatever”. Still, I don’t know if it was because of the stress or weariness but Sully missed many notes on some songs, kinda ruining them. Also, the sound was still a bit too loud, but far better than what Like a Storm had.

They closed out the evening with “I Stand Alone” and a funny cover of ACDC’s Highway to Hell. Godsmack is one of those bands that let you know the rock n roll is alive and well. And nothing tells you that more than the Godsmack women panties from the merchandise area. :))

About the organization there is not much to say. They were on point with everything, there were no lines at the bars or at the counters, the access was on time, no delays in the schedule, everyone left happy. Overall, the night was pretty awesome and I can’t wait to see both bands again soon. Until then, thank you Metalhead for making things happen.

Photos by Carlos Funes.

Amorphis/ Soilwork and Jinger- concert review

You know, December was fun, holidays and all, but did you ever go to an Amorphis show in January? One that was announced in August 2018? The hype is real, I am telling you. So, on this very cold evening of 22 January, in the year of Metallica/Slayer and others big gigs, I ice-skated my way to Arenele Romane, the Venue where the first big show of the year would take place. An interesting mix of Soilwork, Jinger and Nailed to Obscurity starring the finish classics of Amorphis.

Nailed to Obscurity, photo by Carlos Funes

Nailed to Obscurity is a band I didn’t know. Saw them on the poster and thought I’ll give them the live chance, so I got there shortly after they started playing (on schedule). They caught my attention really fast, as I was quite confused about what I was listening to. Went there for some melodic death metal and got some really nice mellow parts and clean vocals, combined with heavy guitar riffs and heavy drums (specific to the genre). Their approach to this style is definitely unique, with many twist and turns which gets you caught in a spiderweb. Even though I fell in love with their latest album “Black Frost”, which might be the apex of their “experiments”, I am eagerly waiting for a fifth studio album. Other than that, the show was really good, from Raimund’s voice (which happens to have a wide-range in it, with smooth transitions from low growls to clean), to a very good sound, low dark lights and lots of energy and smiles. I am sure they already had many fans in the audience but everyone loved them, overall.  

Jinger was a bit “outside” the line-up but still, put a hell of a show. Under some green and yellow cold lights, Tatiana showed again her great vocals skills, singing both with clean vocals and growls, with a contrast one has never seen before. It is really impressive how easy it seems for her to go from brutal, fast, low growl and high screams, to girlie clean vocals, a thing that can be enjoyed at its best on “Pisces”. The metalcore/progressive band was the twist of the night, one that the audience loved, but of course, Jinger has a pretty big fanbase in Romania.  Still, there wasn’t a lot of movement from the band on stage except for Tatiana, who kicks and punches and engages the crowd like a Xena of metal. The band knows their craft and they absolutely shred live, from the riffs to the intricate bass to the percussions and the dive-bombing bass drops, the band was on point.

About Soilwork I can say one thing: they are better live than on record, which was clear from the start, as they got the’s crowd attention within seconds. Dave and Sylvain’s guitars wove an amazing mesh of riffs that match perfectly with Sven’s keyboards. On the other side, Bjorn’s vocals are the power behind every moshpit. As the night was getting closer to the end, the venue was already boiling and getting really crowded, so the band had plenty to work with. Soilwork is all about power and energy and they managed to give us a great collection of old and new songs from the treasure trove that is the band’s back catalogue. Also, the chemistry between those up onstage and those in the audience is very real and pretty catchy. No matter how much you’ll try to get over and focus on something else, you’ll fail. The show was a full-speed ride.  

After a short soundcheck and a session of equipment moving, Amorphis finally came on the stage. Well, not immediately, but after a short tease with the intro from „The Bee”. The tension was growing and the public became really impatient as we all were waiting for Tomi Joutsen to take over. The concert started exactly as the song goes, with a wave of power and energy. We got the chance to enjoy songs from “Queen of Time” as Wrong Direction or Message in the Amber, but also some old “trademark”Amorphis songs. Silver Bride brought a general emotional state in the audience while House of Sleep raised all of our voices (not only when Tomi passed the microphone). There are some particular things that make Amorphis really impressive in a… different way. Their music has lots of soul and feeling, so the shows are usually full rides through hell and heaven. The connection between the band and the audience is also fantastic and you always get this feeling of “intimacy”. Also, their live performance is so close to the recorded version, it hurts, no matter the venue or the location. This is a plus that makes every show more than a live experience. You resonate with the band, being on stage, you can see them, you can feel them (because the guys are very expressive and intense while they play)  but also get covered in emotions as you hear live what you’re used to hearing in your earphones, ‘cause that’s where the journey of a fan usually begins.

Regarding the organization, can’t really complain about much. The venue was properly heated, the entrance had decent traffic so people didn’t have to stay in cold too much. The bars were, as usual, always busy, with long lines, so maybe some more people on that area next time. Also, the merch stand was pretty impressive, with a wide range of possibilities (Amorphis and Jinger had some really nice t-shirt designs). Other than that, the sound and the lights were flawless. Congratulations to the engineers and everyone who made this happen. We’re off to a good year!