Evanescence Brought Bucharest to Life

Bucharest was definitely Brought to Life! Once again Evanescence graced us with their music and presence and we were there for it.

The night was opened by Chaos Magic, who were bringing a nice rendition of symphonic metal. The crowd was gathering surprisingly early and they did play to a lot of people. The lead singer, Caterina Nix, can really show off powerful vocals. It was a nice way to start the evening.

Next up were Veridia, who I can only describe as “Ariana Grande with guitars”, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I think they sounded very good and were a good choice opening up for Evanescence. But the singer had her ponytail and moved and sang like Ariana Grande :)) They were fun and I will probably listen to their material some other time. Yes, many people were upset because “it’s not truuu metal”, but I am petty like that so I want to like the band even more.

There aren’t a lot of bands that make me as nostalgic as Evanescence does. The main difference is that they still got it. The could be touring with the same setlist for the next few decades and it will not be enough. There’s nothing quite like hearing “Bring Me To Life” sang live. Yes, it was missing the male vocals. But knowing that they were only included in the song by sheer force of the label, who though Amy Lee could not anchor a song on her, I am more than happy to hear the crowd fill in and try to sing both parts at once.

Image may contain: one or more people and people on stage
Photo by Carlos Funes

The setlist moved graciously through energetic songs and heart-wrenching ballads. The audience was not all that energetic, but on softer songs like “My Immortal”, “Call Me When You’re Sober” or “Lithium”, they joined in for a very emotional rendition of the songs. As for the more energetic “Going Under”, “What You Want”, or “All That I Am Living for”, I screamed my lungs out. I cannot pretend to be the biggest Evanescence fan. I am more of a “I used to listen to it in 7th grade and I hope I still remember the lyrics” fan, but I still enjoyed the show.

An extra special moment was the last song, or rather last songs. The show ended with a medley of Haunted / My Last Breath / Cloud Nine / Everybody’s Fool / Weight of the World / Snow White Queen, a new addition for this tour.

Amy Lee did not sit still for one moment. Running from one end of the stage to the other, she lived each song and interpreted it in a way only she can. Whether she was singing and jumping around, running to the keyboard and back, she was truly mercurial. The more I see her do it, the more impressed I am with her.

Image may contain: one or more people and people on stage
Photo by Carlos Funes

She interacted with the public much more than in previous concerts and seemed genuinely happy to perform and thankful to be here. Genuine is a word that would describe her whole presence, where it is clear she is performing, but you can feel it’s really her living the show and giving her very best on each song.

She reminded us that the video for Bring Me To Life was filmed in Bucharest all those years ago. More than that, it was the first time she got a passport and traveled abroad, so Bucharest has a very special place in her heart. She later posted about it on Instagram as well.


While I went on and on about Amy, I do have to mention the rest of the band played their very best. Musically they lived to every standard. My impression however, was that they were there just as a support for Amy. Whether they were singing on stage or somewhere off stage would not have made that big of a difference. I didn’t really get that “band” feeling. In their defense, it’s hard to catch up with Amy on stage.

The reason Evanescence is still so important all these years later is hands down because of Amy Lee’s impressive creativity. I have talked at length about her great voice and incomparable stage presence, but the real reason is just how good a songwriter she is. Her songs meant so much to us and they still do, so we’ll come back again and again to hear her sing them.

Concert Evanescence la Arenele Romane

Pe 15 septembrie EVANESCENCE vor canta din nou la Bucuresti la Arenele Romane. 

La minimum 4 bilete Premium sau Teren cumparate ai discount 20% 
La minimum 8 bilete Premium sau Teren cumparate ai discount 30%

Evanescence, una dintre cele mai iubite si apreciate trupe rock americane, se afla din nou intr-o formula magica in care vocea celebrei cantarete Amy Lee innobileaza piesele care au consacrat trupa si care au ramas nemuritoare pe buzele fanilor din intreaga lume. Cu albume vandute in zeci de milioane de exemplare in intreaga lume, muzica Evanescence a fost rasplatita cu numeroase nominalizari si premii internationale, printre care doua Grammy-uri primite in anul 2004 pentru piesa “Bring Me To Life”, la categoriile “Best New Artist” si “Best Hard Rock Performance”. 

Albumul “Fallen” a ramas si in ziua de azi in topul preferintelor celor ce iubesc muzica rock, acesta fiind certificat cu Platina in intreaga lume. “Fallen” este unul dintre cele opt albume, ale tuturor timpurilor, care au reusit sa ramana in top Billboad 200 pentru o perioada mai mare de un an. “The Open Door” (2006) a marcat un nou succes in palmaresul celebrului grup, cu piese precum “Lithium” sau “Sweet Sacrifice”, iar “Evanescence” (2011) a ajuns pe primele locuri imediat dupa lansare si a fost premiat cu Aur in Australia, Canada si Marea Britanie. 

Muzica formatiei Evanescence poarta o paleta intreaga de influente si a fost incadrata de catre critici in diverse categorii, de la rock, nu metal si gothic, la industrial, progressive sau hard rock. Cu valente sofisticate si o atentie deosebita pentru detalii, Evanescence au reusit sa ofere publicului piese fascinante care au trecut deja de proba timpului. 

Biletele se gasesc in format electronic pe www.iabilet.ro si in magazinele Flanco, Diverta, Carturesti, Metrou Unirii 1, Muzica, IQ BOX, Uman, Libmag, Casa de Balet si pe terminalele Selfpay. Online, puteti plati cu cardul, Paypal, pe factura la Vodafone sau Orange sau ramburs prin Fan Courier oriunde in tara. 

– Teren (fara loc, in fata scenei) – 229  lei in earlybird, 259 in presale si 280 la intrare

– Premium (cu loc) – 319 lei in earlybird, 349 lei in presale si 380 la intrare

– Acces General (cu loc) – 139 lei in earlybird, 159 lei in presale si 180 lei la intrare 

 Perioada earlybird este limitata la primele 300 de bilete din fiecare categorie. Biletele Teren si VIP includ bratara textila cu artistul.Se pun in vanzare doar 700 de bilete Premium

Pentru biletele “cu loc” accesul se face doar prin parc prin lateralele arenei. Pentru biletele de pe Teren accesul se face pe la portile de jos din parc ale Arenelor Romane.

Biletele ofera participantilor acces doar in categoriile in care si-au cumparat bilet.Accesul copiilor sub 7 ani este gratuit doar in zona Teren dar insotiti de un adult care are bilet. Minorii peste 14 ani au voie la concert neinsotiti. Cei sub 14 ani trebuie sa vina insotiti de un adult posesor de bilet valabil.

La pretul tuturor biletelor comandate in earlybird si presale se adauga comisionul de emitere bilet de 10 lei.Se pun in vanzare doar 40 de suplimente Meet & Greet si 60 de suplimente Soundcheck Package 

Concertul are loc in aer liber.

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Evanescence la Bucuresti: Program si reguli de acces

Evanescence, una dintre cele mai iubite si apreciate trupe rock americane, se reintoarce in Bucuresti, pe scena Arenelor Romane, in data de 15 Septembrie.

In deschidere vor urca pe scena Veridia si Chaos Magic ft. Caterina Nix.


Accesul in incinta Arenelor Romane se face incepand cu ora 19:00 iar concertele incep la ora 19:40. Dupa deschiderea portilor, puteti sosi la orice ora doriti pentru a va vedea trupele favorite. Concertul are loc in aer liber.

Pentru biletele “cu loc” accesul se face doar prin parc prin lateralele arenei. 

Pentru biletele de pe Teren accesul se face pe la portile de jos din parc ale Arenelor Romane.

Biletele ofera participantilor acces doar in categoriile in care si-au cumparat bilet.

Accesul copiilor sub 7 ani este gratuit doar in zona Teren dar insotiti de un adult care are bilet.

2. Este interzis accesul cu:

– sticle, conserve;

– mancare sau bauturi de orice fel;

– artificii, arme, obiecte periculoase;

– obiecte cu laser (ex. pointere, brichete cu laser);

– umbrele (va rugam in caz ca se anunta ploaie sa veniti cu pelerine);

– aparate foto/video profesionale sau semi-profesionale (cu obiectiv detasabil);

– aparate de inregistrare audio-video profesionale sau semi-profesionale;

– animale de companie;

– persoanele cu probleme de ordin medical trebuie sa aiba asupra lor dovezi clare pentru a putea intra la concert cu medicamentele necesare.


Acces:                  19:00

Chaos Magic:       19:40 – 20:10

Veridia:                 20:40 – 21:20

Evanescence:       21:45 – …

4. Categorii de bilete

– Accesul in spatiul de eveniment va fi permis unei singure persoane pe baza biletului valid, o singura data. Biletul in baza caruia se va face accesul va trebui pastrat pe toata durata concertului.

– Parasirea perimetrului Arenelor Romane, dupa validarea biletului de acces, va fi strict interzisa. Persoanele care doresc sa paraseasca zona de eveniment o pot face, dar la iesire bratara le va fi rupta si daca doresc sa intre din nou, vor trebui sa-si cumpere alte bilete.

– Categoria Premium – Bilete cu loc in sectoarele K si E

– Categoria Teren – Bilete fara loc, in fata scenei pe teren

– Categoria Acces General  – Bilete cu loc in Arena, mai putin in sectoarele K si E

Fanii care au bilete pe scaune se pot plimba dintr-o parte in alta a arenelor ca sa ajunga la zona de merch de pe coronament dar nu pot intra pe teren (si viceversa – fanii de pe teren nu pot intra in zonele cu scaune). De asemenea, stationarea pe coronament pentru a privi concertul este interzisa din doua motive: 1) nu se aude bine 2) nu trebuiesc blocate caile de evacuare. Vom avea stewarzi care va vor informa de acest lucru si in timpul concertului.

La intrare de la Arenele Romane toti participantii vor fi perchezitionati de catre agentii de securitate.

Organizatorii informeaza publicul participant ca spectacolele includ lumini puternice ce pot afecta persoanele epileptice.

Biletele se gasesc in format electronic pe www.iabilet.ro si in magazinele Flanco, Diverta, Carturesti, Metrou Unirii 1, Muzica, IQ BOX, Uman, Libmag, Casa de Balet si pe terminalele Selfpay. Online, puteti plati cu cardul, Paypal, pe factura la Vodafone sau Orange sau ramburs prin Fan Courier oriunde in tara.

– Teren (fara loc, in fata scenei) – 259 in presale si 280 la intrare

– Premium (cu loc) –  349 lei in presale si 380 la intrare

– Acces General (cu loc) – 159 lei in presale si 180 lei la intrare 

La minimum 4 bilete Premium sau Teren cumparate ai discount 20% 

La minimum 8 bilete Premium sau Teren cumparate ai discount 30%

Un eveniment METALHEAD & BestMusic Live Concerts powered by ROCK FM