Godsmack/Like a Storm live in Bucharest – concert review

On a lovely 1st April Monday, a perfect combo I might say, my steps took me to Arenele Romane, where I was going to fully enjoy a Godsmack and Like a Storm show. I knew the schedule will have no delay so I was at the venue by 7:30 PM.

Photo by Carlos Funes

Like A Storm is a band that came to our lovely country from New Zealand. I am a big fan of those guys for some years now and had some expectations regarding their show. With a sound so loud it forced me to wear earplugs, the guys took the stage, opening things up with lead singer Chris Brooks on the didgeridoo (very unusual instrument for such a band). As this was a first for me, and likely for most in attendance, but the combination of didgeridoo with the heavy guitar riffs of Matt Brooks, coupled with the strong bass lines of Kent Brooks, seemed to work perfectly. Like A Storm performed a short, but extremly energetic set that included past hits such as “Wish You Hell”, “Become The Enemy”, and closing with “Love The Way You Hate Me” (favorite song). The last song had a little special moment when Chris threw himself in the audience, jumping and singing around. They engaged the public in such a way that by the end of the show they definitely left with a strong romanian fan base. However, the sound was so loud I could barely understand the vocals in some songs. Overall the show was great and raised to my expectations.

Photo by Carlos Funes

So this was Godsmack’s second show in Bucharest. Usually, two days in a raw shows make me skeptical about the audience. To my surprise, the show was almost sold out (the first one was a full-house) and there was little space to move or breath.

Áfter the usually “move things around the stage” break, the Boston natives attacked with the song “Someday” from their latest release “When legends Rise”. With his trademark vocal power, frontman Sully Erna delivered a high energy set with records like “When Legends Rise”, “Unforgettable”, “Someday”, and “Bulletproof”. Guitarist Tony Rombola delivered the goods in his own inimitable style, and although he may not be flashy, he can certainly hold his own music wise, putting out some of the heaviest guitar riffs.

Photo by Carlos Funes

As for Shannon himself, he is just a treat to watch, putting on a drum show that might as well stand for himself. With arms flying in ways that the human body isn’t meant to move or catching his drum sticks while holding down the beat, Shannon truly is a master at what he does. However, the highlight of the drumming part was the battle between Sully and Shannon, “Batalla de los Tambores”. Featuring two drum sets that move out towards the front of the stage, Sully and Shannon have a drum off, taking turns drumming back and forth and also together at times with killer precision. Judging by the smiles on their faces, this might be their favorite part of the show too.

Sully didnt’t waste too much time chattering between songs, so Godsmack delivered a killer 2 hours set of heavy rock, which also included hits from the past including “1000HP”, “Cryin’ Like A Bitch”, “Voodoo”, and “Whatever”. Still, I don’t know if it was because of the stress or weariness but Sully missed many notes on some songs, kinda ruining them. Also, the sound was still a bit too loud, but far better than what Like a Storm had.

They closed out the evening with “I Stand Alone” and a funny cover of ACDC’s Highway to Hell. Godsmack is one of those bands that let you know the rock n roll is alive and well. And nothing tells you that more than the Godsmack women panties from the merchandise area. :))

About the organization there is not much to say. They were on point with everything, there were no lines at the bars or at the counters, the access was on time, no delays in the schedule, everyone left happy. Overall, the night was pretty awesome and I can’t wait to see both bands again soon. Until then, thank you Metalhead for making things happen.

Photos by Carlos Funes.

Concertul Godsmack se reprogramează pe 31 Martie 2019

Din cauza intamplarilor nefericite care au avut loc in cadrul formatiei, intregul turneu Godsmack ce urma sa aiba loc in aceasta toamna s-a reprogramat. Astfel, concertul de la Bucuresti va avea loc pe data de 31 Martie 2019.

Biletele cumparte deja sunt in continuare valabile pentru concertul din primavara.

In momentul de fata mai sunt bilete doar la Acces General la pretul de 165 de lei, urmand ca la intrare acestea sa coste 180 de lei.

Biletele se gasesc in format electronic pe www.iabilet.ro si in reteaua iabilet.ro/retea : Magazinele Flanco, Metrou Unirii 1 langa casa de bilete Metrorex, Magazinul Muzica, Magazinele IQ BOX – Telekom, Cafe Deko, Club Vintage, Club Quantic, Hard Rock Cafe, Beraria H, Expirat Halele Carol (18-22h), Agentiile Perfect Tour, Magazinele Uman, in Statiile de Plata SelfPay si pe aplicatiile de IOS si Android iaBilet dar si in ziua concertului la intrare in limita locurilor disponibile.

Online pe www.iabilet.ro, puteti plati cu Cardul, prin Paypal, pe factura la Vodafone sau Orange cu plata la sfarsitul lunii sau ramburs cu plata cash prin Fan Courier oriunde in tara.

Un eveniment METALHEAD powered by ROCK FM

Trupa s-a format in 1995 si a scos 7 albume de studio bucurandu-se de un succes international rapid. Trei dintre albume au fost consecutiv numarul 1 in Billboard 200, si anume: “Faceless”, “IV” si “The Oracle”. Au avut si 23 de piese in top 10 radio hits in Statele Unite, dintre care 17 au fost in top 5, un record pentru un artist rock.

Cel de-al saptelea album al trupei a fost lansat pe 27 aprilie si se intituleaza: “When Legends Rise”. Inca de la infiintare, Godsmack au fost in turneul Ozzfest de mai multe ori, au cantat la cele mai mari festivaluri internationale si au umplut arene in jurul lumii. Trupa a vandut peste 20 de milioane de albume in mai putin peste 10 ani. In cinstea lor dupa succesul celui de-al saselea album “1000hp”, orasul Boston are “Ziua Godsmack” pe 6 August, prin decretul primarului Marty Walsh.

Biletele se gasesc in format electronic pe www.iabilet.ro si in reteaua fizica iabilet.ro/retea : Magazinele Flanco, Metrou Unirii 1 langa casa de bilete Metrorex, Magazinul Muzica, Magazinele IQ BOX – Telekom, Agentiile Perfect Tour, Magazinele Uman si pe terminalele self-service ZebraPay din toata tara.

Online pe www.iabilet.ro, puteti plati cu Cardul, prin Paypal, pe factura la Vodafone sau Orange cu plata la sfarsitul lunii sau ramburs cu plata cash prin Fan Courier oriunde in tara.

Biletele au urmatoarele preturi:

  • presale : 205 lei Golden Circle, 165 lei Acces General
  • la intrare: 220 lei Golden Circle, 180 lei Acces General

Se pun in vanzare doar 1800 de bilete. Concertul are loc in cort incalzit. S-au pus in vanzare doar 400 de bilete Golden Circle. Zona Golden Circle este sold out.

Un eveniment METALHEAD powered by ROCK FM