SLAYER – FINAL Show @ Metalhead Meeting 2019

SLAYER va canta ultimul show din cariera in Romania la Bucuresti, pe 10 iulie 2019 la Arenele Romane in cadrul Metalhead Meeting 2019 aniversand si 15 ani de METALHEAD in Romania! Biletele se pun in vanzare vineri pe 14 decembrie la ora 10:00 iar primele 1000 de bilete au pret special.

Daca ar fi sa ne gandim la formatii care nu mai au nevoie de nicio prezentare, cu siguranta Slayer ar fi una dintre acestea. Slayer se numara printre titanii muzicii, nu doar a metalului. Este formatia care a influentat sute de alte formatii, este formatia care a cristalizat thrash metalul dar si care a influentat covarsitor genurile extreme ale metalului, multi artisti ai scenei black si death metal numind Slayer printre principalele lor influente.

Formatii precum Gojira, Slipknot, Pantera, Kreator, Mayhem, Darkthrone, Behemonth sau System of a Down nu ar fi sunat la fel fara Slayer, Kisser de la Sepultura declarand ca fara Slayer formatia din Brazilia nu ar fi existat. Cu un album, Reign in Blood, care a influentat irefutabil scena death metal, Slayer a dat nastere indirect mai multor subgenuri metal. Controversele nu au intarziat sa apara, mai ales cand tematica predilecta a versurilor facea trimitere la criminali in serie, la holocaust, la crimele nazistilor sau la diavol si infern. Interzisi, acuzati ca simpatizanti ai ideologiei naziste sau ca practicanti ai stanismului, Slayer au creat controverse din Statele Unite pana in India, iar totul a inceput in 1981.

Atunci, un grup de adolescenti, Kerry King, Jeff Hanneman, Tom Araya si Dave Lombardo au pus bazele Slayer. King si Hanneman aveau 17 ani, Araya era cel mai ‘batran’, avand 20 de ani iar Lombardo avea doar 16 ani. Faptul ca Lombardo era inca la liceu, i-a facut sa inregistreze primul album, ‘Show No Mercy’, noaptea, pentru ca in timpul zilei tobosarul mergea la liceu.  Cu toate ca au inceput in prima faza ca o formatie care facea cover-uri dupa piese Iron Maiden sau Judas Priest singurul cover pe care il gasim in cele 12 albume semnate Slayer este ‘Dissident Agressor’, piesa Judas Priest.
Dupa 37 de ani in care au facut una dintre cele mai brutale, socanate si agresive forme de muzica, numarandu-se intre cele patru formatii care au definit un intreg gen muzica, fiind o formatie cu care alte trupe de prima mana sunt comparate, dupa 12 albume de studio lansate, multiple inregistrari live, compilatii, clipuri live, doua box set-uri, cu aproape 3000 de concerte in toate colturile lumii, cu nenumarate premii si cinci nominalizari la premiile Grammy din care doua castigate, cu Discuri de Aur si cu propria expozitie la The Smithsonian, dar si cu prezente in sute de reviste, cu trauma pierderii unui membru fondator, toata aceasta istorie, toata aceasta epoca Slayer, una dintre cele mai mare formatii de thrash/metal/punk din toate timpurile se apropie de final.

Slayer au un ultim turneu mondial pentru a le multumi fanilor care au fost alaturi de ei aproape patru decenii.

Biletele se pun in vanzare prin la urmatoarele preturi:

– South of Heaven (pe teren, fara loc, in fata scenei) – 280 lei in earlybird, 300 in presale si 330 la intrare + taxe 10 lei
– Premium (cu loc) – 240 lei in earlybird, 260 lei in presale si 280 la intrare + taxe 10 lei
– Acces General (cu loc) – 190 lei in earlybird, 210 lei in presale si 230 lei la intrare + taxe 10 lei

Perioada earlybird este limitata la primele 1.000 de bilete.

Pentru biletele “cu loc” accesul se face doar prin parc prin lateralele arenei.
Pentru biletele de pe Teren accesul se face pe la portile de jos din parc ale Arenelor Romane.
Biletele ofera participantilor acces doar in categoriile in care si-au cumparat bilet.
La pretul tuturor biletelor comandate in earlybird si presale se adauga comisionul de emitere bilet de 10 lei.
Accesul copiilor sub 7 ani este gratuit doar in zona Teren dar insotiti de un adult care are bilet.

Biletele se pun in vanzare vineri pe 14 decembrie la ora 10:00 in format electronic pe si in reteaua fizica Magazinele Flanco, Diverta, Hard Rock Cafe, Cafe Deko, Club Vintage, Club Quantic, Expirat Halele Carol (in intervalul orar: 18:00-22:00), Beraria H, Metrou Unirii 1 langa casa de bilete Metrorex, Magazinul Muzica, Magazinele IQ BOX – Telekom, Agentiile Perfect Tour, Magazinele Uman, sediul librariei Libmag (Bulevardul I.C. Bratianu, nr. 6, Sector 3), Casa de balet si pe terminalele Selfpay din toata tara.

Online pe, puteti plati cu Cardul, prin Paypal, pe factura la Vodafone sau Orange cu plata la sfarsitul lunii sau ramburs cu plata cash prin Fan Courier oriunde in tara.

Un eveniment METALHEAD powered by ROCK FM

Metalhead Meeting II – Soulfly, Epica, Kataklysm, Carach Angren, An Theos

After an intense first day of Metalhead Meeting, the skies were angry and we got rain, rain, and some more rain. But the show must go on. I don’t envy Blood Oath and Rhemorha who had the difficult job of opening the festival on a rainy day.

Image may contain: 3 people, crowd, sky and outdoor
Photo source: AnTheos Facebook page

An Theos, however, are better established with the Romanian audience, who gathered to cheer for them. A little rain won’t stop us from doing a ¨hor㨠on Ciuleandra.  It wasn’t a big crowd, but they were here to party with the band. An Theos delivered as always, bringing their folk sound, metal kicks, and energy in a very fun performance.

Up next, Carach Angren, were the surprise of the day for many. They wrote the book on how to establish themselves as a performative act. We are all suckers for live gimmicks. Crowns, masks and face paint? Sure. Fake blood and fake dying? Their music is an interesting symphonic black metal, perfect for headbanging, jumping, and screaming. Their frontman is an amazing performer, commanding the crowd so strongly and yet allowing himself to be silly and amusing. By the end of their set, they had gathered an impressive crowd. I am convinced they are the band from the festival who gathered the most new fans after this show.

Things are heating up with Kataklysm, who delivered a strong show to an energized crowd. Their powerful death metal songs ensured mosh pits. They went a bit much for my taste in the hurr durr we are strong metal men fuck everyone metal is the best.  In a more touching moment, they dedicated Outsider to Vinnie Paul. All in all, a good show, which took the crowd with it. Insomuch that, at the end of the set, many people were screaming for an encore.

Time for Epica to hit the stage. I am very biased since I am fan of theirs, but I knew they would deliver. when you go to see Epica you’re gonna get great and bombastic music, intricate orchestration and heavy beats. You’re gonna get lights and movement, interaction and closeness. Once again, they delivered. In what was a good festival setlist, they played some of their most famous songs (Sancta Terra, Cry For the Moon). But they were here to promote their latest album and showed us the best it had to offer. Old fans still enjoyed gems such as The Obsessive Devotion or the grand finale Consign to Oblivion.

Photo source: Epica Instagram

From beginning to end, Epica are giving it all. Simone Simons was in such a great vocal shape, and the boys were outperforming each other. I love seeing how much they move on stage, with a particular shoutout to Coen Janssen, the most active and moving keyboard player you’ll see. Between songs they had little jokes and games to get the crowd screaming and moving. It was not the best Epica show I have seen, but definitely a solid one. Cannot wait to do it again.

It is now Soulfly‘s turn to show us what metal is. The list of accolades for Max Cavalera and his boys is too long to be named, and they are household names. Even if they do not have anything left to prove, they sure put on a great a tour de force, engaging with fans and non-fans alike. Their technical prowess in undoubted, and they showed it off song after song and solo after solo. Pure, strong music and the crowd went insane. Even if their style is not your cup of tea, you cannot help but admire them and the complexity of their songs. You are going to be taken in by the energy they send out.

Blood, Fire, War, Hate! Blood, Fire, War, Hate!Song after song, the people chanted with the band through constant moshpits and crowdsurfing. In what was surely a high point of the evening, they played Sepultura’s  Roots Bloody Roots! Max Cavalera knows how to make an impact. And he did not stop there with the Romanian public, bringing out a Romanian flag and his very own Romanian national team T-shirt.

And with that, two days of music and performances passed. Metalhead Meeting proved again to be a solid festival. Here’s to the next one!



Metalhead Meeting Day I – Dirty Shirt, Sonata Arctica, Children of Bodom

July 6th. The day I stopped being a Sonata Arctica fan, but I became a Children of Bodom fan.

Metalhead Meeting opens with a day I was looking forward to for a while, as it was bringing us Sonata Arctica. That was definitely less than stellar. But it’s ok because I got to see Dirty Shirt up close and they killed it. Last but not least, I wasn’t expecting much from Children of Bodom, as I am not a fan of growling. However, I loved their set. They brought the house down in an incredible display of their powerful music.

The day started with Siska and The Colony. They weren’t helped by their early slot in what was a very warm day.

The party officially started with Dirty Shirt, our own Romanian folk metal band from Maramureș. It was the first time I saw them live and oh boy what I have been missing. I love that they have built an individual sound, and they bring us along. Their whole set was drawing people in and making them dance. They brought their A-game with songs like ¨Dirtylicious¨ or ¨Săraca inima me¨. Of course, “Hoții” came with an attached speech about the thieves politicians that lead us. On stage with them were the girls from 4Tune Quartet, who really brought it, as well. But truly, it was a great mix of tradition and metal, with its unique sound, energy, and stage presence. Dirty Shirt are worth seeing life. And they deserve to be supported for their next album, which will be launched through crowdfunding. Support them here!

Here come Sonata Arctica, a band I have loved so dearly more than ten years ago. While I wasn’t impressed by their latest materials, I was pumped to see them live for the third time. I made my way to the second row, only to be underwhelmed by the poor sound, or rather mixing. It’s something you have to face if you wanna sit in the front, but after a few songs I decided to move to the stands, where the sound was much better. As someone who has listened to their discography multiple times, it would have been hard for me to choose a worse setlist. From their more famous songs, we only got “Full Moon”, with close seconds “Paid in Full” and “The Last Amazing Grays”. But for a festival they were not headlining, you’d expect them to bring out their best of, whether ballads or power metal songs. But songs like “Shitload of Money”, “Cinderblox”, “Losing my Insanity” just fell flat with the audience. I understand that they were promoting their last album with “Life”, “Candle Lawns”, or “Closer To An Animal”.

Even with the not so stellar setlist, I felt them low in energy. They weren’t actively trying to reach out to non-fans, which is the role of a festival. For half of the show, the guitar and bass players did not move. Tony wasn’t doing his usual crazy clown routine in full, either.

I must state that this is my opinion as a long-time fan, who has seen them before and knows what they can do. Many other fans shared my view of disappointment.  It’s not that it was a bad show. I did enjoy seeing them and hearing live the songs I know and love. It was just not them at their best. Or second best. However, for someone who didn’t know them that well, it was a good show. They performed, they sang, they were out there.


Children of Bodom need no introduction. They are so great at what they do, which made them beloved. I was skeptical, as I don’t enjoy growls, but I am glad I saw their whole show. From the beginning, they commanded the stage and the public.  Their music just filled the air and you knew it was something special. So complex, so lively, so powerful. Their sounds was powerful enough to make a great show on its own, but they were still kicking and screaming and performing. They did it all by the book, impeccable.

Photo source: CoB Instagram

The audience responded and cheered for them. One particular cheer left them flabbergasted, as the crowd was chanting “M*ie Dragnea”. Not once, but twice, were the poor guys from CoB left to wonder what people were screaming. A freeing and vindicating moment for the public. A public which was rowdy from beginning to end, for some too much so. Constant crowdsurfing, moshpits, pushing, kicking. I pitied those who stayed in the front rows. From my seats up above in the stalls, I enjoyed the perfect concert.

The energy levels were never down during their show. They were electric and played with such enthusiasm and intensity. You name it, they played it. Want “In Your Face”, “Downfall”, or “Are you Dead Yet”? You got it! Want some “Everytime I die” or “Angels Don’t Kill” with that? Coming right up.

All in all, a good metal day of Metalhead Meeting. One with fun music, with many bands of different styles. And definitely one which belonged in its entirety to Children of Bodom.



Metalhead Meeting Festival 2018: Program, reguli de acces și informații generale

Editia a saptea a festivalului Metalhead Meeting va avea loc pe 6 si 7 iulie la Arenele Romane din Bucuresti. Pe scena vor urca: Children Of Bodom, Carach Angren, Kataklysm, Soulfly, Epica, Skeletonwitch, Sonata Arctica, Dirty Shirt si multi altii. 


Accesul in incinta Arenelor Romane se face prin intrarea din parc (de jos) incepand cu ora 15:00 in ambele zile ale festivalului, iar concertele incep de la 15:30! Dupa deschiderea portilor, puteti sosi la orice ora doriti pentru a va vedea trupele favorite. Festivalul are loc in aer liber.

1. Este interzis accesul cu:

– sticle, conserve;

– mancare sau bauturi de orice fel;

– artificii, arme, obiecte periculoase;

– obiecte cu laser (ex. pointere, brichete cu laser);

– umbrele (va rugam in caz ca se anunta ploaie sa veniti cu pelerine);

– aparate foto/video profesionale sau semi-profesionale (cu obiectiv detasabil);

– aparate de inregistrare audio-video profesionale sau semi-profesionale;

– animale de companie;

– persoanele cu probleme de ordin medical trebuie sa aiba asupra lor dovezi clare pentru a putea intra la concert cu medicamentele necesare.

Organizatorii NU vor stoca si NU vor pazi obiectelor prezentate in lista de mai sus pe durata evenimentului!

La intrare de la Arenele Romane toti participantii vor fi perchezitionati de catre agentii de securitate.

Organizatorii informeaza publicul participant ca spectacolele includ lumini puternice ce pot afecta persoanele epileptice.

La Arenele Romane va fi prezent un medic care poate oferi Primul Ajutor in caz de nevoie. 



Open Doors– 15:00

Siska – 15:30 – 16:00

Phenomy – 16:20 – 16:50

The Colony – 17:10 – 17:40

Skeletonwitch– 18:10 – 18:55

Dirty Shirt – 19:20 – 20:20

Sonata Arctica – 20:50 – 22:05

Children of Bodom – 22:35 – 23:50

Animae Silentes – 00:20 – 00:50


Open Doors – 15:00

InSammer – 15:30 – 16:00

Blood Oath – 16:20 – 16:50

Rhemorha – 17:10 – 17:40

Carach Angren – 18:10 – 18:55

Kataklysm – 19:20 – 20:20

Epica – 20:50 – 22:05

Soulfly – 22:35 – 23:50

Psycorepaths – 00:20 – 00:50


– In cadrul evenimentului se vor comercializa diverse sortimente de bauturi, vanzarea acestora facandu-se pe baza de jetoane care pot fi procurate de la casele special amenajate.

– Vanzarea produselor pe baza de jetoane faciliteaza o servire mai rapida

– Contravaloarea jetoanelor ramase se returneaza la finalul evenimentului doar pe baza bonului fiscal!


– Copiii cu varsta sub 7 ani au acces gratuit si trebuie sa fie insotiti de un adult posesor de bilet valid.

– Accesul minorilor sub 14 ani se face doar pe baza de bilet si doar daca acestia sunt insotiti de catre un adult posesor de bilet valid.

– Organizatorii nu recomanda prezenta la concert a copiilor fara casti de protectie! Zgomotul foarte puternic poate dauna auzului celor mici.


– Accesul in perimetrul evenimentului este permis pe baza de bilet (abonament) valid pentru care se primeste o bratara. Pastrati bratarile la mana pe toata durata festivalului, daca o pierdeti sau o rupeti va trebui sa cumparati alt bilet! Biletele de o zi nu primesc bratara.

– Biletele de o zi : Persoanele care doresc sa paraseasca zona de eveniment o pot face, dar daca doresc sa intre din nou, vor trebui sa-si cumpere alte bilete.


Pe toata durata festivalului va fi prezent un stand de merch care va avea la vanzare tricourile oficiale METALHEAD si METALHEAD Meeting Festival. Trupele participante la festival vor avea si ele produse la vanzare.


Nu uitati de oferta Wolf Pack daca veniti in grup: la minim 5 abonamente cumparate aveti discount 20%!

Abonamentele de doua zile se gasesc online pe si in reteaua : Magazinele Flanco, Metrou Unirii 1 langa casa de bilete Metrorex, Magazinul Muzica, Magazinele IQ BOX – Telekom, Cafe Deko, Club Vintage, Club Quantic, Expirat Halele Carol (in intervalul orar: 18:00-22:00), Hard Rock Cafe, Agentiile Perfect Tour, Magazinele Uman si in Statiile de Plata SelfPay din toata tara.

Abonamentele de doua zile costa 229 de lei pana pe 5 iulie si 250 de lei la intrare. La editia din 2018 nu avem Golden Circle! S-au pus in vanzare si bilete de o zi la pretul de 129 lei pana pe 5 iulie. La intrare biletele de o zi vor costa 150 lei.

Online pe, puteti plati cu cardul, prin Paypal, pe factura la Vodafone sau Orange cu plata la sfarsitul lunii sau ramburs cu plata cash prin Fan Courier oriunde in tara. Pentru grupuri mari se acorda discounturi!

Metalhead Meeting, our passion.. they wouldn’t understand!

Arenele Romane – Strada Cutitul de Argint nr. 3, Parcul Carol, Bucuresti.

Un eveniment METALHEAD & BestMusic Live Concerts

DIRTY SHIRT inchide afisul Metalhead Meeting Festival 2018

Edtia a saptea a festivalul Metalhead Meeting va avea loc pe 6 si 7 iulie la Arenele Romane din Bucuresti. Cele mai notabile trupe confirmate la festival pana acum sunt finlandezii de la CHILDREN OF BODOM si SONATA ARCTICA, brazilienii de la SOULFLY, olandezii de la EPICA, canadienii de la KATAKLYSM, olandezii de la Carach Angren si americanii de la Skeletonwitch. Biletele si abonamentele de o zi sunt la vanzare pe

Nu uitati si de oferta Wolf Pack: la minim 5 abonamente cumparate aveti discount 20%!

Recent, festivalului i s-au mai adaugat inca 8 nume de pe tot mapaondul: Animae Silentes (gothic – Italia) , Psycorepaths (hardcore – Grecia), The Colony (melodic metal – Scotia), Rhemorha (modern metal – Siberia/Rusia), Phenomy  (groove thrash metal – Liban), Blood Oath (death metal – Marea Britanie), Siska (Hard rock symphonic metal – Italia) si InSammer (melodic dark metal – Suedia).

DIRTY SHIRT este ultima trupa confirmata la festival, maramuresenii urmand sa cante in prima zi alaturi de Sonata Arctica si Children Of Bodom. Soulfly, Epica si Kataklysm ne vor incanta a doua zi iar programul final cu orele va fi afisat in curand. De asemenea, s-au pus de curand in vanzare si biletele de o  zi.

Dupa cum v-a obisnuit si in celelalte 6 editii, Metalhead Meeting va avea trei headlineri de calibru pe zi precum si multe trupe faine de peste hotare dar si din tara. Cu un focus setat pe concerte de calitate, un sunet perfect si o organizare fara cusur, festivalul doreste sa ofere o experienta celor prezenti la eveniment si nu doar niste simple concerte.

Abonamentele de doua zile  dar si biletele de o zi se gasesc online pe si in reteaua : Magazinele Flanco, Metrou Unirii 1 langa casa de bilete Metrorex, Magazinul Muzica, Magazinele IQ BOX – Telekom, Cafe Deko, Club Vintage, Club Quantic, Expirat Halele Carol (in intervalul orar: 18:00-22:00), Hard Rock Cafe, Agentiile Perfect Tour, Magazinele Uman si pe terminalele self-service ZebraPay din toata tara.

Abonamentele costa 229 de lei pana pe 22 iunie si 250 de lei la intrare.

Biletele de o zi costa 129 de lei in presale respectiv 150 de lei la intrare.

La editia din 2018 nu avem Golden Circle.

Accesul este permis persoanelor sub 14 ani doar insotite de un adult.

Online pe, puteti plati cu cardul, prin Paypal, pe factura la Vodafone sau Orange cu plata la sfarsitul lunii sau ramburs cu plata cash prin Fan Courier oriunde in tara. Pentru grupuri mari se acorda discounturi!

Metalhead Meeting, our passion… they wouldn’t understand.

Arenele Romane – Strada Cutitul de Argint nr. 3, Parcul Carol, Bucuresti.

Un eveniment METALHEAD & BestMusic Live Concerts