Powerwolf și Gloryhammer la București: Program și reguli de acces

Powerwolf si Gloryhammer canta la Bucuresti pe 27 noiembrie la Arenele Romane (cort incalzit). In deschidere vor urca pe scena Gloryhammer.






ATENTIE: FUMATUL in cortul incalzit al Arenelor Romane ESTE INTERZIS !!! Se fumeaza doar in locurile special amenajate !!!

Portile Arenelor Romane se deschid la ora 19:00 iar concertul incep la ora 20:00, portile fiind deschise pana la finalul concertului.

Accesul se face prin intrarea din parc a Arenelor Romane (cea mare, standard, de jos) si fiecare categorie de bilet va avea cate un coridor special.

Accesul in perimetrul evenimentului este permis pe baza de bilet valid. Odata intrati in incinta Arenelor Romane, nu puteti parasi locatia decat in caz de urgenta. In caz contrar va trebui sa cumparati un alt bilet. Posesorii de bilete Golden Circle vor primi o bratara speciala cu care pot intra si in zona de Acces General.

Zona de concert are o singura zona de acces si cinci iesiri de siguranta marcate ca atare. Normele de siguranta le gasiti mai jos. La locatie va fi prezent un punct de prim ajutor.

Guestlist-ul este valabil pana la ora 21:00.


Este interzis in zona de concert:

  • accesul cu arme sau obiecte periculoase
  • accesul cu alcool sau alte bauturi si alimente din exteriorul zonei de festival.
  • accesul cu materiale inflamabile, canistre pe gaz sau masini de gatit de orice fel
  • umbrele (concertul are loc in cort incalzit)
  • aparate foto profesionale sau semi-profesionale (cu obiectiv detasabil)
  • aparate de inregistrare audio-video profesionale sau semi-profesionale.

De asemenea va rugam sa lasati animalele de companie acasa.


Pentru a avea parte de un concert in siguranta, Arenele Romane au facut inca 4 iesiri de urgenta in cort asa ca acum sunt 6 plus inca una in spatele scenei. A fost instalat un sistem de iluminat automat in caz de intrerupere a curentului electric.

De asemenea, vor fi oameni de paza la toate iesirile de urgenta din Cort. Doua dintre ele duc in gangurile clasice iar patru dintre ele pe scarile care urca inspre iesirile de urgenta catre coronament care dau in parc.


-sa respecte masurile de aparare impotriva incendiilor, stabilite de SC Sfinx Experience SRL;

-sa nu introduca sau sa nu incerce introducerea in incinta de faclii, artificii, petarde, torte, recipiente, materiale incendiare ori fumigene, substante toxice, substante iritant-lacrimogene sau cu efect paralizant (ori alte asemenea materiale, substante sau obiecte), obiecte artizanale si de distractie, pe baza de amestecuri pirotehnice, artificii din categoria “obiecte zburatoare luminoase”, pocnitori ori altele asemenea ce pot favoriza producerea si propagarea incendiilor;

-sa nu aduca in stare de neutilizare, indiferent de mod, semnele, afisele, marcajele sau altele asemenea, destinate apararii impotriva incendiilor aflate in incinta

-sa nu aduca in stare de neutilizare, indiferent de mod, mijloacele tehnice de aparare impotriva incendiilor aflate in incinta;

-publicului ii este interzis sa dezlipeasca sau sa distruga reclamele, anunturile si afisele expuse de organizator in incinta ansamblului construit, precum si sa deterioreze, sa ridice sau sa mute semnele ori indicatoarele amplasate de organizator, pentru facilitarea accesului in incinta, a evacuarii persoanelor, a interventiei in situatii de urgenta sau a celor care semnaleaza existenta unui pericol pentru viata persoanelor;

-sa fumeze numai in locurile fara pericol de incendiu, special amenajate si marcate.


  • In cadrul evenimentului se vor comercializa diverse sortimente de bauturi, vanzarea acestora facandu-se pe baza de jetoane care pot fi procurate de la casele special amenajate.
  • Vanzarea produselor pe baza de jetoane faciliteaza o servire mai rapida
  • Contravaloarea jetoanelor ramase se returneaza pana la finalul evenimentului doar pe baza bonului fiscal!


Toate biletele sunt cu loc in picioare.

  • Accesul in spatiul de eveniment va fi permis unei singure persoane pe baza biletului valid, o singura data. Biletul in baza caruia se va face accesul va trebui pastrat pe toata durata concertului.
  • Parasirea perimetrului de concert, dupa validarea biletului de acces, va fi strict interzisa. Persoanele care doresc sa paraseasca zona de eveniment o pot face, dar la iesire bratara le va fi rupta si daca doresc sa intre din nou, vor trebui sa-si cumpere alte bilete.
  • Este strict interzisa vanzarea sau cumpararea invitatiilor si vanzarea sau cumpararea biletelor la suprapret. Organizatorii isi rezerva dreptul de a interzice intrarea la concert a persoanelor care vor fi depistate ca desfasoara astfel de activitati si de a confisca invitatiile, respectiv biletele, aflate in posesia acestora. Se recomanda achizitionarea biletelor doar din punctele de vanzare autorizate.
  • Accesul in zona de Golden Circle se face pe baza bratarii primita la intrare. Spectatorii cu acest tip de bilete vor avea acces si in zona de Acces General. Spectatorii care au bilete la categoria Acces General nu vor avea acces la Golden Circle.

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Trupa Powerwolf a lansat un nou videoclip

Trupa Powerwolf (Power Metal / Germania) a lansat un extras de pe viitorul lor album „The Sacrament Of Sin” , album ce ar trebui sa apara in acest an!

Piesa se numeste „Demons Are A Girl’s Best Friend” iar clipul poate fi vizionat mai jos.

Actualmente, trupa se afla in studiourile Fascination Street Studios pentru finalizarea albumului.

Tracklist :

  1. Fire & Forgive
  2. Demons Are A Girl’s Best Friend
  3. Killers With The Cross
  4. Incence & Iron
  5. Where The Wild Wolves Have Gone
  6. Stossgebet
  7. Nightside Of Siberia
  8. Venom Of Venus
  9. Nighttime Rebel
  10. First By First
  11. Midnight Madonna
  12. The Sacrament Of Sin

Noi ne întâlnim cu Powerwolf și Gloryhammer la București pe 27 noiembrie la Arenele Romane (cort încălzit). Primele 200 de bilete costă doar 79 lei respectiv 115 lei în fața scenei.

Powerwolf vin din Germania și țîn sus stindardul power metalului din 2003 când frații Charles și Matthew Greywolf au pus bazele formației. Powerwolf este o trupă cu un show și o imagine aparte, în care fiecare membru are un pseudonim cu o istorie și un loc bine stabilit în universul formației.

Piesele lor sunt inspirate de legende medievale cu vampiri, vârcolaci dar și de povești cu tentă religioasă.

Celor doi frați li s-a alăturat toboșarul francez Stefane Funebre și clăparul german Falk Maria Schlegel. La scurt timp l-au cunoscut în România pe Karsten Brill, român din Sighișoara care studia opera clasică la Academia de Muzică din București. Karsten a devenit Attila Dorn iar pasiunea să pentru legendele românești cu vârcolaci a ajutat la dezvolatrea temelor lirice pentru viitoarele albume ale formației.

Din 2003 până în prezent formația a rămas neschimbată cu excepția tobosarului. În cei 16 ani de activitate Powerwolf a lansat 8 albume, albume care au ajuns în topurile a peste 10 țări.

Biletele s-au pun în vânzare de pe 1 martie pe iabilet.ro la următoarele prețuri:

– Earlybird, primele 200 de bilete: 79 lei Acces General, 115 lei Golden Circle + taxe 5 lei
– Presale: 99 lei Acces General, 135 lei Golden Circle + taxe 5 lei
– La acces: 120 lei Acces General și 150 lei Golden Circle

La prețul tuturor biletelor comandate în earlybird și presale se adaugă taxa de 5 lei.

Se pun în vânzare doar 1800 de bilete iar la Golden Circle sunt doar 400 de locuri. Concertul are loc în cort încălzit.

Rockstadt Extreme Fest 2018- Review

After four days and four nights of extreme metals and some not so extreme but still around, I finally found my words. I wish I could but I have nothing bad to say about Rockstadt Extreme Fest. I truly believe that it is one of the best metal festivals, if not the best, we have in Romania. Everything was flawless, from my point of view.
The info point was much appreciated and also that liitle flyer with the map and the schedule made things a lot easier for many of us.

The location of the festival is just stunning, surrounded by mountains, close to the beautiful city of Rasnov, but at same isolated. Being at the base of the citadel, it allowed us to take short trips, to visit the surroundins, the cave, the city, and, of course, Râșnov citadel. One thing that was difficult to take was the temperature difference. During the day, you could’ve gotten a nice tan by only walking around the are, while during the night, if you were not drunk enough, you needed a long sleeve, a hoodie and a jacket.

About the pricing system, there was some waiting, but most of it was at the entrance. It’s hard to let hundreds of people in through only three checkpoints, while there were others trying to get out. Other  than that, I understand the food bar was a bit crowded, and that is pretty much all. Personally, I never stood more than five minutes for a beer or anything to drink. For tokens, tho, the line was always busy. The food was very good and eveyone appreciated the longdrinks, shots and the others alcooholic drinks the bar served.

I didn’t sleep in the camping areas but I think there some things worth metion. First, in spite of the all complaints, I think the price was really cheap, for what you get. Both camping areas were clean, organised, had security, so only the people with those special bracelets could get inside and some of the nicest bathrooms I saw, regarding the live show. First, there were separate spaces for women and men, and both areas had showers (in containers, with sinks and mirrors) and very clean toilets (from what I’ve heard, there was someone who came once in a while to clean them). I am sure everyone appreciated that, especially the girls. Still, the one thing that kept the campings from perfection was the lack of shade. Of course, the area was surrounded by forests so there was plenty outside the campnig.

Also, two bands were not able to perform but the organizers dealt with the problems in such way it was not even noticeable and everything went on schedule.

Every  night had an after-party where people had lots of fun. It was interesting and satisfying at the same time to see hundreds of metalheads dancing on metal/rock/pop, dubstep and many others genres. I think that says a lot about the maturity of the audience, being able to have fun no matter the music. Last night had a special edition of ’90 tunes, which was a real blast, with people dancing on the stage, everyone jumping around on songs like Captaion Joe (and actually doing the dance), la isla bonita and so on. It was quite an end after four days of extreme metals.

I think that other things that people appreciated were the concrete sidewalks, the ”charging area” for those who slept in tents and had little access to a power source for their phones, and the organizers attetion for preventing the „mud”, the classical mud we’re used to at this event. Fortunately, the weather was on our side and we received four full days of sun. There was also a pretty generous merchandise area, with a wide range of t-shirts and CD-s.

About the concerts, I think every band brought something different  and unique on the stage. Though I appreciated every person  that got up on the stage, I didn’t got to see all of bands (but I’ve heard most of them). Regarding the show, the sound was almost flawless, with small exceptions, but overall better than what I got from a festival so far.
Because it would take many pages and much time for you to read them, I will stick to what I think were the best live actions. I will also be a bit cliche, but most of the headliners slayed the stage. WASP came with so much energy and power, it shocked everyone, and I am so grateful I got to see a piece of music history along with some other thousands of people. Powerwolf put on one hell of a show, even without all their fire toys, kept the audience alive with energy and enthusiams, while singing about werewolves and vampires in their homeland. Some people complained about the sound not being high enough. I think it was more than decent. Amorphis was impressive in a… different way. Their music has lots of soul and feeling, so it was more emotional, to say so, with songs like Silver Bride and House of Sleep. One great thing about Amorphis. Their live performance is so close to the recoreded version, it hurts. Obituary is not my cup of tea but people described the show with some big words.


In the last night, InFlames ended the festival with a show to remember. With a full Wacken stage set, with lights, led screens, projections, light pillars and fireworks, everything was insane. It was late, after four days of boiling during the day and freezing during the night and everyone enjoyed every second of the show. There was a great communication with the audience, the guys smiled all the time and were obviously excited to be there.
I will also mention Septicflesh here because they had a show that impressed me beyond any expectation and I think they deserve to be close to the headliners.  Their music is more than fascinating and seing them live really brings everything to a whole new level. You can’t help but feel their music.
Other bands I really enojoyed from the main stage were Dirty Shirt (which I saw before but never get tired of), Brujeria, which were totally crazy, with their mexican vibes and funny attitude combined with the hard guitar riffs and drums. GoatWhore had an interesting sound and Belphegor made a really nice show.
Fleshgod Apocalypse finally managed to get on the romanian shores, after being robbed and having to cancel their concerts, including the one from the Indoor Rockstadt. Man, they killed that stage. First, their costumes, make up, attitude were basically yelling that was going to be good. Their mix of classical, renaissance sound combined with extreme drums and guitars, alongside the beautiful opera voice of Veronica  and the deep powerful vocals of the leadsinger just takes you to a very interesting trip through „space and time”.

About the second stage, first band that got my attention was W3 4R3 NUM83R5, which was also the first band I got to see from all the festival. I knew some songs from them but never got the chance to see them performing live. Pleasant surprise. The sound was very good, some nice djent, lots of energy, great communication with the public.  Also, Sur Astru was a very interesting experience and I think these guys are going places. Impure Vilhelmina and The Thirteenth Sun had pretty good shows but I would enjoy more to see them in separate shows, as I think they could do even better.  Gutalax was at least fuuny to watch, and they had show people kept talking about.  As for the main stage, the sound was nice and clean and every band played according to schedule, no events, just more crowded by the day, which was a good thing.

As I said before, I wish there was something even remotely bad about this festival, but it isn’t. I talked to people that never missed an edition of REF and they said this festival is just getting better and better, more and more professional. I asked some that came this year for the first time and they were surprised. As for me, I shall never miss a year of Rockstadt Extreme Fest. Congrats to everyone who puts tons of  effort, every year, into making this, the best metal festival from Romania.


Ca in fiecare an, Rockstadt Extreme Fest va gazdui doua scene, programul integral fiind disponibil mai jos. Peste 50 de formatii si artisti din Europa, Africa de Sud, Canada si America de Nord si Sud vor concerta in perioada 2-5 august, pe deja cunoscutul teren de Biatlon din Rasnov.
Lineup-ul final este completat de SINCARNATE, INDIAN FALL, CODE RED si HARMED. De asemenea, si in acest an vom incheia festivalul cu showul pirotehnic oferit de HYPNOSIS FIRESHOW, in timp ce deja celebrul Afterparty revine pe scena a doua, pe parcursul noptii si pana la rasarit.
Biletele sunt disponibile online cat si in retele locale via:
Abonamentele sunt disponibile atat online cat si in retea nationala si internationala si vor putea fi achizitionate inclusiv pe toata perioada festivalului, de la intrarea oficiala.
La fel ca si in editiile anterioare, nu vor exista bilete pe zile, ci doar abonamente ce asigura accesul in toate cele patru zile ale festivalului.