Amon Amarth revin la Bucuresti pe 1 iulie la Arenele Romane in aer liber! Invitati sunt scotienii de la Bleed From Within. 1. REGULI DE ACCES Accesul in incinta Arenelor Romane se face incepand cu ora 19:00 iar concertele incep la ora 19:50. Dupa deschiderea portilor, puteti sosi la orice […]
Powerwolf brought its incredible Heavy Metal Mass in Bucharest
On June 6th, fans gathered at Arenele Romane to support Powerwolf in a big headline show that promised to be explosive … literally. Not one soul left the arena unmoved by what a powerful display that actually was. Visions of Atlantis first took the stage with a setlist of “Master […]
Hollywood Vampires: Inca o trupa pe afis si program si reguli de acces

Supergrupul din care fac parte Alice Cooper, Johnny Depp, Joe Perry (Aerosmith) si Tommy Henriksen revine la Bucuresti pe 8 iunie la Romexpo in Parcarea C, in aer liber. In deschidere vor urca pe scena 12 Limbs. 12 Limbs e o formatie tanara ce vine din Londra, Marea Britanie. Abordeaza […]