Noutăți de la Rockstadt Extreme Fest 2019

Cea de-a șaptea ediție a Rockstadt Extreme Fest, unul din cele mai importante evenimente metal din Europa de Sud Est si cel mai faimos festival de metal din Romania, va avea loc între 1 – 4 august 2019, la poalele Cetății Râșnov (terenul de Biatlon de la baza cetății).

Abonamentele pentru ediția 2019 s-au pus deja în vânzare în rețeaua iaBilet și pe website-ul oficial al festivalului,

  • Pre-sale 1: primele 1.000 de abonamente vor avea un preț special de 190 lei/ buc., valabil până la epuizarea lor, dar nu mai târziu de 16 septembrie 2018;
  • Pre-sale 2: va include 1.000 de abonamente cu prețul de 230 lei/ buc., valabil până la epuizarea acestora, dar nu mai târziu de 21 octombrie 2018;
  • Pre-sale 3: va include 1.000 de abonamente cu prețul de 270 lei/ buc., valabil până la epuizarea stocului, dar nu mai târziu de 13 ianuarie 2019;
  • Pre-sale 4: va include 1.000 de abonamente cu prețul de 310 lei/ buc., valabil până la epuizare, dar nu mai târziu de 17 martie 2019;
  • Pre-sale 5: va include 1.000 de abonamente cu prețul de 350 lei/ buc., valabil până la epuizare, dar nu mai târziu de 16 iunie 2019;
  • După data de 16 iunie 2019 și pe perioada festivalului abonamentele vor costa 390 lei/ buc.


Ca noutate, vor fi disponibile și bilete pentru fiecare zi de festival care vor fi puse în vânzare aproximativ cu 1 lună înainte de începerea festivalului la pretul de 220 lei. Mai multe detalii despre acestea vor putea fi oferite în momentul punerii lor în vânzare.


Primul nume deja confirmat la Rockstadt Extreme Fest 2019 este Paradise Lost, pionierii gothic/doom metalului alegând să includă cunoscutul festival de la Râșnov pe harta concertelor susținute în contextul aniversării celor 30 de ani de existență.


Cu 15 albume la activ, Paradise Lost este un nume consacrat pe scena gothic/doom metal internațională. Înființată în 1988 în Halifax, Marea Britanie, trupa e considerată fondatoare a stilului Gothic Metal, datorită albumului omonim lansat în 1991, ce a avut o influență majoră asupra mișcării metal din întreaga lume. În timp, sound-ul trupei a evoluat, încorporând diferite influențe, cum este cazul instrumentațiilor electronice pe care trupa le-a inclus în piesele de pe albumul „One Second” (1997). În anul următor, prin „Symbol of Life”, Paradise Lost a diminuat din nou prezența elementelor electronice în favoarea revenirii la stilul orientat pe chitară. Cel de-al 15-lea album, „Medusa” (2017), a adus la rândul său o schimbare de tonalitate, membri trupei declarând că este cel mai doom dintre toate pe care le-au făcut până în prezent.


Facebook event Rockstadt Extreme Fest 2019:

Rockstadt Extreme Fest 2018- Review

After four days and four nights of extreme metals and some not so extreme but still around, I finally found my words. I wish I could but I have nothing bad to say about Rockstadt Extreme Fest. I truly believe that it is one of the best metal festivals, if not the best, we have in Romania. Everything was flawless, from my point of view.
The info point was much appreciated and also that liitle flyer with the map and the schedule made things a lot easier for many of us.

The location of the festival is just stunning, surrounded by mountains, close to the beautiful city of Rasnov, but at same isolated. Being at the base of the citadel, it allowed us to take short trips, to visit the surroundins, the cave, the city, and, of course, Râșnov citadel. One thing that was difficult to take was the temperature difference. During the day, you could’ve gotten a nice tan by only walking around the are, while during the night, if you were not drunk enough, you needed a long sleeve, a hoodie and a jacket.

About the pricing system, there was some waiting, but most of it was at the entrance. It’s hard to let hundreds of people in through only three checkpoints, while there were others trying to get out. Other  than that, I understand the food bar was a bit crowded, and that is pretty much all. Personally, I never stood more than five minutes for a beer or anything to drink. For tokens, tho, the line was always busy. The food was very good and eveyone appreciated the longdrinks, shots and the others alcooholic drinks the bar served.

I didn’t sleep in the camping areas but I think there some things worth metion. First, in spite of the all complaints, I think the price was really cheap, for what you get. Both camping areas were clean, organised, had security, so only the people with those special bracelets could get inside and some of the nicest bathrooms I saw, regarding the live show. First, there were separate spaces for women and men, and both areas had showers (in containers, with sinks and mirrors) and very clean toilets (from what I’ve heard, there was someone who came once in a while to clean them). I am sure everyone appreciated that, especially the girls. Still, the one thing that kept the campings from perfection was the lack of shade. Of course, the area was surrounded by forests so there was plenty outside the campnig.

Also, two bands were not able to perform but the organizers dealt with the problems in such way it was not even noticeable and everything went on schedule.

Every  night had an after-party where people had lots of fun. It was interesting and satisfying at the same time to see hundreds of metalheads dancing on metal/rock/pop, dubstep and many others genres. I think that says a lot about the maturity of the audience, being able to have fun no matter the music. Last night had a special edition of ’90 tunes, which was a real blast, with people dancing on the stage, everyone jumping around on songs like Captaion Joe (and actually doing the dance), la isla bonita and so on. It was quite an end after four days of extreme metals.

I think that other things that people appreciated were the concrete sidewalks, the ”charging area” for those who slept in tents and had little access to a power source for their phones, and the organizers attetion for preventing the „mud”, the classical mud we’re used to at this event. Fortunately, the weather was on our side and we received four full days of sun. There was also a pretty generous merchandise area, with a wide range of t-shirts and CD-s.

About the concerts, I think every band brought something different  and unique on the stage. Though I appreciated every person  that got up on the stage, I didn’t got to see all of bands (but I’ve heard most of them). Regarding the show, the sound was almost flawless, with small exceptions, but overall better than what I got from a festival so far.
Because it would take many pages and much time for you to read them, I will stick to what I think were the best live actions. I will also be a bit cliche, but most of the headliners slayed the stage. WASP came with so much energy and power, it shocked everyone, and I am so grateful I got to see a piece of music history along with some other thousands of people. Powerwolf put on one hell of a show, even without all their fire toys, kept the audience alive with energy and enthusiams, while singing about werewolves and vampires in their homeland. Some people complained about the sound not being high enough. I think it was more than decent. Amorphis was impressive in a… different way. Their music has lots of soul and feeling, so it was more emotional, to say so, with songs like Silver Bride and House of Sleep. One great thing about Amorphis. Their live performance is so close to the recoreded version, it hurts. Obituary is not my cup of tea but people described the show with some big words.


In the last night, InFlames ended the festival with a show to remember. With a full Wacken stage set, with lights, led screens, projections, light pillars and fireworks, everything was insane. It was late, after four days of boiling during the day and freezing during the night and everyone enjoyed every second of the show. There was a great communication with the audience, the guys smiled all the time and were obviously excited to be there.
I will also mention Septicflesh here because they had a show that impressed me beyond any expectation and I think they deserve to be close to the headliners.  Their music is more than fascinating and seing them live really brings everything to a whole new level. You can’t help but feel their music.
Other bands I really enojoyed from the main stage were Dirty Shirt (which I saw before but never get tired of), Brujeria, which were totally crazy, with their mexican vibes and funny attitude combined with the hard guitar riffs and drums. GoatWhore had an interesting sound and Belphegor made a really nice show.
Fleshgod Apocalypse finally managed to get on the romanian shores, after being robbed and having to cancel their concerts, including the one from the Indoor Rockstadt. Man, they killed that stage. First, their costumes, make up, attitude were basically yelling that was going to be good. Their mix of classical, renaissance sound combined with extreme drums and guitars, alongside the beautiful opera voice of Veronica  and the deep powerful vocals of the leadsinger just takes you to a very interesting trip through „space and time”.

About the second stage, first band that got my attention was W3 4R3 NUM83R5, which was also the first band I got to see from all the festival. I knew some songs from them but never got the chance to see them performing live. Pleasant surprise. The sound was very good, some nice djent, lots of energy, great communication with the public.  Also, Sur Astru was a very interesting experience and I think these guys are going places. Impure Vilhelmina and The Thirteenth Sun had pretty good shows but I would enjoy more to see them in separate shows, as I think they could do even better.  Gutalax was at least fuuny to watch, and they had show people kept talking about.  As for the main stage, the sound was nice and clean and every band played according to schedule, no events, just more crowded by the day, which was a good thing.

As I said before, I wish there was something even remotely bad about this festival, but it isn’t. I talked to people that never missed an edition of REF and they said this festival is just getting better and better, more and more professional. I asked some that came this year for the first time and they were surprised. As for me, I shall never miss a year of Rockstadt Extreme Fest. Congrats to everyone who puts tons of  effort, every year, into making this, the best metal festival from Romania.

Kamelot brought their Shadow Theory to Bucharest

Kamelot! Kamelot! Kamelot! – Can you tell it was a great show already? August 16th, Quantic Open Air, Kamelot brought their latest album, The Shadow Theory, to Romania.  Photo Gallery here

The day started with Crossing Eternity with a short set, but that definitely got them many new fans. The singer said “Bună seara” and I was so impressed by his Romanian only to have him speaking Romanian afterwards because … he is Romanian. A Romanian – Swedish- German band, they worked amazing together. They only have one album out, but it’s worth checking out. Good energy on stage, worked the crowd, got them to cheer. They didn’t have an easy task, but they delivered. Hopefully we’ll get to see them many more times in Romania.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people on stage and people playing musical instruments

Before Kamelot we were kind of worried because there weren’t that many people and the Golden Circle space was a bit too large, and by that I mean it was 70% empty. Luckily, by the time Kamelot came on stage, more people had joined and people got up from the tables so it didn’t look suspiciously empty.

I was happy to see just how many people came with Kamelot T-shirts. Glad to see so many fans. Kamelot are a band with such a long and complex history, it’s hard to define them exactly. I have friends who are huge fans of Kamelot because it was what they were listening to in high school. I have friends who have only come aboard the Kam train after the last album(s). That is, though, what makes the band so special. They know who their fans are and they do an amazing job of mixing the old with the new. After all, they have gone forward and forward for years (since 1991), put out 12 albums, and yet they are fresher and more exciting than ever.

Image may contain: 12 people, people smiling, people on stage and people standing

The show started with a single from the new album, Phantom Divine (Shadow Empire). They gave us more new songs (Ravenlight, Amnesiac) and some throwbacks that just cannot be left out of their setlist (Rule The World, The Great Pandemonium, When The Lights are Down, Karma). I personally think they have even better songs on The Shadow Theory that they are not playing, but this is just me being picky and wanting to hear them live.

For this show, Kamelot were joined by Lauren Hart of Once Human, who came in and out to feature on different songs. She has such an incredible and versatile voice, going from clean vocals to growl. When she gets the chance to shine, she fills the stage.

Image may contain: 1 person, standing

Song after song, the crowd was going wild. A very special moment was during Here’s To The Fall, a very emotional ballad Tommy dedicated to his late grandfather. The song is so beautiful and showcases more of what he can do vocally, and the crowd had a part in it raising up their lights.

Towards the end, we got to hear Forever, one of my favourites. It is always a great moment in the setlist because the band stops the song for the crowd to chant different versions of oooOOOOoooO with them. Tommy Karevik on stage is electric and has a magnetism few people can ever dream to achieve. He can command a crowd with just a look. He told us what to do and we did it. Definitely not as well as he did it, but we cannot all be world-class singers.

Image may contain: 2 people, crowd and outdoor

The band had such a great energy. When talking to other fans, Thomas was referred to as “the one making atmosphere on stage” and everyone loved seeing Sean and his signature braids being extra energetic. Both Thomas and Tommy were constantly coming off stage to be closer to the fans, raising thunderous roars from the crow. Oliver was, as always, the master of the keyboards (because he’s worth it). Any band that has a keyboard solo wins my heart forever. Last but not least, a very special shout-out to Alex Landenburg, who stepped behind the drums while Johan is recovering and is doing an amazing job.

All in all, a great show! I did lose my voice at the end of it, so you know I screamed. It wasn’t just me! The crowd, though not huge, was very loud and very supportive. We all cannot wait to do this all again!

Concert Amorphis, Soilwork si Jinjer la Bucuresti

Amorhpis, Soilwork si Jinjer canta pe 22 ianuarie la Arenele Romane in cadrul unui show METALHEAD. In deschidere vor canta Nailed to Obscurity.

Finlandezii de la Amorphis se reintorc la Bucuresti anul viitor pe 22 Ianuarie la Arenele Romane (cort incalzit), pentru a ne prezenta cel mai recent album al trupei: “Queen of Time” dar si piesele care i-au facut celebri de atatia ani.

Formata in 1990, trupa finlandeza Amorphis a avut o ascensiune rapida pe scena metalului international, stilul abordat la inceput fiind death metal, insa, o data cu trecerea timpului, stilul trupei a evoluat catre progresiv metal sau melodic death metal.

Amorphis au revenit cu al 13-lea material de studio dupa o pauza de 3 ani. Albumul “Queen of Time’ a fost lansat pe 18 Mai anul acesta si marcheaza intoarcerea basistului Olli Pekka Laine, primul basist al formatiei.
Pentru acest material Amorphis a colaborat cu Chrigel de la Eluveitie dar si cu Anneke van Giersbergen.
In momentul de fata Amorphis inseamna:

Esa Holopainen – chitara
Tomi Koivusaari – chitara
Olli-Pekka Laine – bass
Jan Rechberger –tobe
Santeri Kallio – clape
Tomi Joutsen – voce

Soilwork vin din Suedia si sunt prezenti pe scena metalului din 1995.
In tot acest timp au lansat 10 materiale de studio, cel mai recent dintre ele fiind The Ride Majestic (2015).

De-a lungul timpului, in Soilwork au mai activat artisti precum Dirk Verbeuren, care in momentul de fata este tobosarul Megadeth sau Daniel Atonsson, fost basist si in Dark Tranquillity.

Au mai colaborat si cu Richard Evensand care a fost tobosarul Therion si Chimaira.

Componenta Soilwork este urmatoarea:
Bjorn “Speed” Strid – voce
Sven Karlsson – clape
Sylvain Coudret – chitara
David Andersson – chitara
Bastian Thusgaard – chitara
Taylor Nordberg – bass

Jinjer se reintorc la Bucuresti dupa concertul sustinut alaturi de Arch Enemy.

Formata in anul 2010, dupa ce Tatiana Shmailyuk a devenit solista trupei, Jinjer si-a castigat in scurt timp titlul de cea mai buna trupa de metal din Ucraina. Cu influente precum Lamb of God, Pantera, Gojira, Killswitch Engage, Death sau Chimaira, Jinjer abordeaza un mix inteligent de progressive si groove metal impodobit cu elemente funk, raggae si jazz. Dedicati in totalitate muzicii pe care o creeaza, ucrainenii de la Jinjer au lansat trei albume de studio, cel mai recent fiind “King of Everything”, material lansat sub egida casei de discuri Napalm Records. Romania este un loc in care Jinjer canta cu nostalgie de fiecare data, fiind una dintre primele tari in care le-a fost apreciata munca.

Concertul va fi deschis de germanii de la Nailed to Obscurity, trupa activa din 2005 cu 3 albume la activ care au conturat ca stil un melodic-doom metal.

Cel mai recent album a fost lansat in 2017 si se intituleaza King Delusion.
In prezent din trupa fac parte:

Jan-Ole Lamberti – chitara
Volker Dieken – chitara
Jann Hillrichs – tobe
Carsten Schorn – bass
Raimund Ennenga – voce

Biletele se gasesc in format electronic pe si in reteaua fizica : Magazinele Flanco, Diverta, Metrou Unirii 1 langa casa de bilete Metrorex, Magazinul Muzica, Magazinele IQ BOX – Telekom, Hard Rock Cafe, Beraria H, Targul Cartii (Pasajul Latin), Agentiile Perfect Tour, Magazinele Uman si in Statiile de Plata SelfPay din toata tara.

Biletele au urmatoarele preturi:

  • presale: 100 lei Acces General si 155 lei Golden Circle pana pe 5 ianuarie
  • presale: 110 lei Acces General si 170 lei Golden Circle paba pe 22 ianuarie
  • la intrare: 120 lei Acces General si 186 lei Golden Circle

Se pun in vanzare doar 1800 de bilete. Concertul are loc in cort incalzit. Sunt in vanzare doar 400 de bilete Golden Circle in fata scenei.

Un eveniment METALHEAD powered by ROCK FM

Program și reguli de acces pentru concertul Kamelot și Crossing Eternity

Formația americană KAMELOT se întoarce în țara noastră , pentru a prezenta live publicului român noul album „The Shadow Theory” printr-un show ce va avea loc în data de 16 august la Club Quantic – Open Air (București). În deschidere va evolua formația româno-suedeză CROSSING ETERNITY.

Program și reguli de acces
Acces Meet & Greet: 18.30
Acces General: 19.00
Crossing Eternity: 19.30-20.00
Kamelot: 20.30-22.00

Meet & Greet:
Accesul pentru sesiunea Meet & Greet se face la ora 18:30, la intrarea special amenajată. La acces vă rugăm să prezentați atât biletele de concert cât și ticketele speciale pentru meet & greet
Vă rugăm să țineți seama că după terminarea sesiunii Meet & Greet, brățara & pass-ul VIP asigură participanților doar intrarea în zonele în care și-au achiziționat biletul de  concert, fără alte întâlniri ulterioare cu trupa.

REGULI DE ACCES și alte informații utile:
*  Intrarea în clubul Quantic se face din Șoseaua Grozăvești. Adresa este șos. Grozăvești, nr. 82 și se poate ajunge foarte ușor de la stația de metrou Grozăvești sau Politehnică, dar și cu tramvaiele 1, 11, 35 sau autobuzele 105 sau 601.
*  Accesul se face începând cu ora 19:30, imediat după ce sesiunea de meet & greet va expira.  Biletele cumpărate online pot fi prezentate la intrare atât printate, cât și direct de pe telefon, unde vor fi scanate cu ajutorul unui program special (pe care nu este nevoie să îl aveți dvs.).
*  La intrare, biletul va fi schimbat cu o brăţară care va trebui purtată obligatoriu pe toată perioada evenimentului. Cu această brățară, participantul va putea intra și ieși oricând din / în zona concertului, având, de asemenea, obligația de a o arăta personalului de la acces sau de la pază de fiecare dată când intră în zona concertului & zonele Normal Circle & Golden Circle. Deteriorarea sau ruperea acesteia atrage anularea biletului / intrării la eveniment.
* Deţinătorul biletului este obligat să se supună controlului corporal făcut la accesul în locaţia spectacol / eveniment de către organele de securitate abilitate.

Este interzis:
* accesul cu aparate foto profesionale (cele care au obiectiv detaşabil)
* accesul cu aparate video de filmat
* accesul cu aparate de înregistat audio
* cu orice fel de sticle, recipiente și mâncare (aduse din exterior)
* accesul cu orice fel de sticle, recipiente, substanţe periculoase, arme sau obiecte periculoase, inflamabile, care pot pune în pericol viața celor din jur
* consumul de droguri sau de alte substanţe ilegale. Această constituie infracţiune şi se pedepseşte conform prevederilor în vigoare.
* dezlipirea de afișe și reclame lipite în incinta clubului Quantic, precum și deteriorarea diferitelor semne puse de organizatori în zonă sau a mijloacelor de stingere a incendiilor aflate în incinta clubului.
În interior nu se fumează!

Nerespectarea regulamentului sau folosirea biletului în alte scopuri decât cele prevăzute poate aduce cu sine anularea biletului şi poate interzice accesul deţinătorului biletului la eveniment.

De reţinut:
* Copiii până la vârsta de 7 ani au acces gratuit – cu însoțitor posesor de bilet / abonament valabil (dacă în anunțul evenimentului nu este o altă specificație).
* Copiii după vârsta de 7 ani și până la vârsta de 16 ani au nevoie de bilet și de însoțitor (dacă în anunțul evenimentului nu este o altă specificație).
* Persoanele peste 16 ani nu mai au nevoie de însoțitor (dacă în anunțul evenimentului nu este o altă specificație).
* Falsificarea sau tentativa de falsificare a biletului se pedepsește conform legii.
* Persoanele  cu dizabilități pot beneficia de intrare liberă sau reducere doar pe baza prezentării la intrare a unei hârtii doveditoare (copie după certificat care atestă gradul de dizabilitate).

Iată categoriile de bilete pe care le puteți găsi online pe
– 120 lei – Golden Circle / Zona în fața scenei
– 79 lei (100 bilete) – Pre-sale 1 / Normal Circle SOLD OUT
– 89 lei (200 bilete) – Pre-sale 2 / Normal Circle
– 99 lei – Normal Ticket / Normal Circle
– 169 lei (50 pachete) – „Friends Package” / Normal Circle pachet pentru două persoane
– 115 lei – în ziua evenimentului – Normal Circle
–  65 lei – Ticket meet & greet SOLD OUT (acces în locație cu 30 min înainte de accesul general, poze cu formația, autografe, etc). Important: Ticketul meet & greet trebuie să fie însoțit de un bilet de concert valabil – indiferent de categoria acestia.
La acces, biletul comandat electronic se poate preschimba cu unul fizic.

Eveniment organizat de: Promusic Events și Maximum Rock, susținut de: Aqua Carpatica, Domeniile Sâmburești, Rock FM

Leprous & Agent Fresco la Quantic Club – 6 septembrie

Leprous se întorc în București după aproape cinci ani, alături de trupa islandeză Agent Fresco. Concertul face parte din turneul de promovare al celui mai recent album al trupei, ”Malina”. După show-ul memorabil din cadrul festivalului Artmania, Leprous au decis să strecoare alte două concrete în România, unul în Cluj Napoca pe data de 5 septembrie și celălalt în București, pe data de 6.

Leprous este o trupă care a cunoscut o evoluție surprinzătoare în ultimii ani, devenind noua senzație a metalului progresiv, una dintre acele formații “rising stars” ale scenei muzicale norvegiene. Stilul lor vizionar ne arată că nu se tem să experimenteze sau să surprindă și care sfidează orice încercare de încadrare în tipare. Într-o lume în care genul „progressive” oferă publicului atâtea opțiuni, devine tot mai greu să reușești să atragi atenția către tine, iar Leprous reușește asta de fiecare dată când se urcă pe o scenă.

Muzica lor este un mix de stiluri, de „progressive rock”, jazz sau „pure metal”, fiind prezente influențe ale unor compozitori de muzică clasică sau artiști din diferite genuri, ca: Björk, Muse, Porcupine Tree, Massive Attack, Ulver, Opeth sau Radiohead.

În timp ce primele albume ale trupei „Tall Poppy Syndrome” (2009), „Bilateral” (2011) sau „Coal” (2013) au atras atenția presei și aprecierea publicului, „The Congregation” (2015) le-a adus celor de la Leprous șansa de a participa la un turneu mondial. Ultimul lor album, „Malina” (2017) a fost întâmpinat cu entuziasm de critici, fiind apreciat drept un mix complex de sound-uri poliritmice îmbinate cu versuri incisive, cu o atmosferă melancolică și cu pasaje vocale melodioase.

De-a lungul carierei lor, Leprous au cântat alături de unele dintre cele mai cunoscute nume ale scenei muzicale internaționale, precum: Amorphis, Therion sau Opeth.

Agent Fresco este o trupă din Islanda ce a debutat în 2008. Stilul formației îmbină genuri precum pop, alternative, art, metal, and math-rock, alături de aceleași stări experimentale cu care ne-am obișnuit deja de la Leprous. Muzica lor este, cu siguranță, o altă față a genului progressive, creat ca muzică și interpretat ca o opera de artă. Am putea spune despre Agent Fresco că este una dintre acele trupe care te fac să gândești și să simți muzica, în timp ce o asculți. Până în prezent, Agent Fresco are la activ două albume de studio, A Long Time Listening (2010) și Destrier(2015).

Concertul din data de 6 septembrie va avea loc în Quantic Club. Evenimentul este organizat de Form Space.



Program și Reguli de Acces: Nightwish ”20 de ani”

Vineri, 17 august, ne întâlnim cu Nightwish la Romexpo, in aer liber, pentru un concert memorabil! Showul face parte din turneul mondial “Decades” in care trupa sarbatoreste 20 de ani de activitate si se va bucura de o productie de exceptie.

In deschiderea finlandezilor vor urca pe scena Fallen Arise si A Tear Beyond.

Concertul are loc pe platforma 12, in parcarea A de la Romexpo. Accesul se va face prin Parcarea B incepand cu ora 18:00 iar concertele incep de la ora 18:40. Dupa deschiderea portilor puteti sosi la orice ora doriti pentru a vedea trupele favorite. Evenimentul are loc in aer liber.

1. Este interzis accesul cu:

– sticle, conserve;

– mancare sau bauturi de orice fel;

– artificii, arme, obiecte periculoase;

– obiecte cu laser (ex. pointere, brichete cu laser);

– umbrele (va rugam in caz ca se anunta ploaie sa veniti cu pelerine);

– aparate foto/video profesionale sau semi-profesionale (cu obiectiv detasabil);

– aparate de inregistrare audio-video profesionale sau semi-profesionale;

– animale de companie;

– persoanele cu probleme de ordin medical trebuie sa aiba asupra lor dovezi clare pentru a putea intra la concert cu medicamentele necesare.

Organizatorii NU vor stoca si NU vor pazi obiectelor prezentate in lista de mai sus pe durata evenimentului!

La intrarea in perimetrul evenimentului, toti participantii vor fi perchezitionati de catre agentii de securitate.

Organizatorii informeaza publicul participant ca spectacolele includ lumini puternice ce pot afecta persoanele epileptice.

La Romexpo va fi prezent un medic care poate oferi Primul Ajutor in caz de nevoie.

2. Program

18:00 – Acces

18:40 – 19:10 -Fallen Arise (30′)

19:40 – 20:30 – A Tear Beyond  (50′)

21:00 – 23:00 – Nightwish

Guest list-ul este valabil 90 de minute de la deschiderea portilor.


– In cadrul evenimentului se vor comercializa diverse sortimente de bauturi, vanzarea acestora facandu-se pe baza de jetoane care pot fi procurate de la casele special amenajate.

– Vanzarea produselor pe baza de jetoane faciliteaza o servire mai rapida

– Contravaloarea jetoanelor ramase se returneaza pana la ora 22:00 doar pe baza bonului fiscal!


– Copiii cu varsta sub 7 ani au acces gratuit si trebuie sa fie insotiti de un adult posesor de bilet valid.

– Accesul minorilor sub 14 ani se face doar pe baza de bilet si doar daca acestia sunt insotiti de catre un adult posesor de bilet valid.

– Organizatorii nu recomanda prezenta la concert a copiilor fara casti de protectie! Zgomotul foarte puternic poate dauna auzului celor mici.

5. Categorii de bilete si bratari

– Accesul in spatiul de eveniment va fi permis unei singure persoane pe baza biletului valid, o singura data. Biletul in baza caruia se va face accesul va trebui pastrat pe toata durata concertului.

– Parasirea perimetrului de concert, dupa validarea biletului de acces, va fi strict interzisa. Persoanele care doresc sa paraseasca zona de eveniment o pot face, dar la iesire bratara le va fi rupta si daca doresc sa intre din nou, vor trebui sa-si cumpere alte bilete.

Posesorii de bilete la categoriile A, B si C vor primi la acces bratari speciale ce le permit accesul in zona in care au bilete. Bratarile trebuie pastrate la mana, exact asa cum au fost puse, pe toata durata concertului. Bratarile nu sunt transmisibile si nu trebuie deteriorate pe intreaga perioada a evenimentului. Posesorii de bilete la categoria D nu vor primi bratara la acces.

– Categoria A – are locuri pe scaune, in tribuna VIP, categoria este limitata la 1000 de bilete; locurile la categoria A se ocupa in ordinea sosirii si nu sunt numerotate; posesorii de biletele la categoria A au acces si la categoriile B, C si D.

– Categoria B – in picioare, in fata scenei; posesorii de biletele la categoria B nu au acces la categoria A, dar au acces la categoriile C si D.

– Categoria C – in picioare in spatele categoriei B. Posesorii de bilete la categoria C nu au voie sa intre la categoriile A si B, dar au voie la categoria D.

– Categoria D – in picioare in spatele categoriei D. Posesorii de bilete la categoria D nu au voie sa intre la nicio alta categorie.


Biletele se gasesc pe si in reteaua : Magazinele Flanco, Metrou Unirii 1 langa casa de bilete Metrorex, Magazinul Muzica, Magazinele IQ BOX – Telekom, Cafe Deko, Club Vintage, Club Quantic, Hard Rock Cafe, Beraria H, Expirat Halele Carol (18-22h), Agentiile Perfect Tour, Magazinele Uman, in Statiile de Plata SelfPay si pe aplicatiile de IOS si Android iaBilet dar si in ziua concertului la intrare in limita locurilor disponibile, la urmatoarele preturi:

– presale: 300 lei Cat A, 245 lei Cat B, 189 lei Cat C, 149 lei Cat D

– la intrare: 320 lei cat A, 255 lei Cat B, 199 lei Cat C, 159 lei Cat D


Un eveniment METALHEAD powered by ROCK FM

Fallen Arise si A Tear Beyond vor deschide concertul Nightwish

Nightwish revin dupa 3 ani in Romania, vineri, pe 17 august la ROMEXPO in aer liber pentru un concert memorabil! Showul face parte din turneul mondial “Decades” in care trupa sarbatoreste 20 de ani de activitate si se va bucura de o productie de exceptie. In deschiderea finlandezilor vor urca pe scena Fallen Arise si A Tear Beyond.

Fallen Arise

Vin din capital Greciei, Atena si au aproape un deceniu de activitate, timp in care au scos doua albume si un EP. EP-ul, ‘Eternal’, a fost lansat in 2011, urmat de albumul de debut, doi ani mai tarziu, ‘Ethereal’. Cel mai recent disc a fost lansat in 2015 si se intituleaza ‘Adeline’.

Abordeaza ca stil Symphonic Metalul care s-a cristalizat de-a lungul timpului conferind un sound aparte trupei.

De-a lungul timpului acestia au impartit scena cu formatii precum Paradise Lost, Moonspell, Destruction, Katatonia sau Pain of Salvation.

In momentul de fata Fallen Arise inseamna:

Fiona Creaby – Voce

Vlassis K. – Voce

Gus – Clape

Giacomo Paradiso – Chitara

Paul Kull Culley – Bass

MariosK. – Tobe

A Tear Beyond

Originari din Vicenta, Italia, A Tear Beyond e o combinatie muzicala de gothic si industrial.

Cu 3 albume lansate in 10 ani de cariera, formatia si-a cristalizat o filosofie proprie in spatele muzicii si a actului artistic propriu-zis.

De-a lungul carierei au cantat alaturi de Fleshgod Apocalypse, At The Gades, Anthrax sau Enslaved.

A Tear Beyond inseamna:

Claude Arcano – Voce

Ian – Chitara

Undesc – Chitara

Canve – Bass

Phil – Clape

Skano – Tobe

Biletele se gasesc in format electronic pe si in reteaua fizica : Magazinele Flanco, Metrou Unirii 1 langa casa de bilete Metrorex, Magazinul Muzica, Magazinele IQ BOX – Telekom, Cafe Deko, Club Vintage, Club Quantic, Expirat Halele Carol (in intervalul orar: 18:00-22:00), Hard Rock Cafe, Beraria H, Targul Cartii (Pasajul Latin), Agentiile Perfect Tour, Magazinele Uman si in Statiile de Plata SelfPay din toata tara.

Biletele se mai gasesc la urmatoarele preturi:

– presale: 300 lei Cat A, 245 lei Cat B, 189 lei Cat C, 149 lei Cat D

– la intrare: 320 lei cat A, 255 lei Cat B, 199 lei Cat C, 159 lei Cat D

Metalhead Meeting II – Soulfly, Epica, Kataklysm, Carach Angren, An Theos

After an intense first day of Metalhead Meeting, the skies were angry and we got rain, rain, and some more rain. But the show must go on. I don’t envy Blood Oath and Rhemorha who had the difficult job of opening the festival on a rainy day.

Image may contain: 3 people, crowd, sky and outdoor
Photo source: AnTheos Facebook page

An Theos, however, are better established with the Romanian audience, who gathered to cheer for them. A little rain won’t stop us from doing a ¨hor㨠on Ciuleandra.  It wasn’t a big crowd, but they were here to party with the band. An Theos delivered as always, bringing their folk sound, metal kicks, and energy in a very fun performance.

Up next, Carach Angren, were the surprise of the day for many. They wrote the book on how to establish themselves as a performative act. We are all suckers for live gimmicks. Crowns, masks and face paint? Sure. Fake blood and fake dying? Their music is an interesting symphonic black metal, perfect for headbanging, jumping, and screaming. Their frontman is an amazing performer, commanding the crowd so strongly and yet allowing himself to be silly and amusing. By the end of their set, they had gathered an impressive crowd. I am convinced they are the band from the festival who gathered the most new fans after this show.

Things are heating up with Kataklysm, who delivered a strong show to an energized crowd. Their powerful death metal songs ensured mosh pits. They went a bit much for my taste in the hurr durr we are strong metal men fuck everyone metal is the best.  In a more touching moment, they dedicated Outsider to Vinnie Paul. All in all, a good show, which took the crowd with it. Insomuch that, at the end of the set, many people were screaming for an encore.

Time for Epica to hit the stage. I am very biased since I am fan of theirs, but I knew they would deliver. when you go to see Epica you’re gonna get great and bombastic music, intricate orchestration and heavy beats. You’re gonna get lights and movement, interaction and closeness. Once again, they delivered. In what was a good festival setlist, they played some of their most famous songs (Sancta Terra, Cry For the Moon). But they were here to promote their latest album and showed us the best it had to offer. Old fans still enjoyed gems such as The Obsessive Devotion or the grand finale Consign to Oblivion.

Photo source: Epica Instagram

From beginning to end, Epica are giving it all. Simone Simons was in such a great vocal shape, and the boys were outperforming each other. I love seeing how much they move on stage, with a particular shoutout to Coen Janssen, the most active and moving keyboard player you’ll see. Between songs they had little jokes and games to get the crowd screaming and moving. It was not the best Epica show I have seen, but definitely a solid one. Cannot wait to do it again.

It is now Soulfly‘s turn to show us what metal is. The list of accolades for Max Cavalera and his boys is too long to be named, and they are household names. Even if they do not have anything left to prove, they sure put on a great a tour de force, engaging with fans and non-fans alike. Their technical prowess in undoubted, and they showed it off song after song and solo after solo. Pure, strong music and the crowd went insane. Even if their style is not your cup of tea, you cannot help but admire them and the complexity of their songs. You are going to be taken in by the energy they send out.

Blood, Fire, War, Hate! Blood, Fire, War, Hate!Song after song, the people chanted with the band through constant moshpits and crowdsurfing. In what was surely a high point of the evening, they played Sepultura’s  Roots Bloody Roots! Max Cavalera knows how to make an impact. And he did not stop there with the Romanian public, bringing out a Romanian flag and his very own Romanian national team T-shirt.

And with that, two days of music and performances passed. Metalhead Meeting proved again to be a solid festival. Here’s to the next one!



Metalhead Meeting Day I – Dirty Shirt, Sonata Arctica, Children of Bodom

July 6th. The day I stopped being a Sonata Arctica fan, but I became a Children of Bodom fan.

Metalhead Meeting opens with a day I was looking forward to for a while, as it was bringing us Sonata Arctica. That was definitely less than stellar. But it’s ok because I got to see Dirty Shirt up close and they killed it. Last but not least, I wasn’t expecting much from Children of Bodom, as I am not a fan of growling. However, I loved their set. They brought the house down in an incredible display of their powerful music.

The day started with Siska and The Colony. They weren’t helped by their early slot in what was a very warm day.

The party officially started with Dirty Shirt, our own Romanian folk metal band from Maramureș. It was the first time I saw them live and oh boy what I have been missing. I love that they have built an individual sound, and they bring us along. Their whole set was drawing people in and making them dance. They brought their A-game with songs like ¨Dirtylicious¨ or ¨Săraca inima me¨. Of course, “Hoții” came with an attached speech about the thieves politicians that lead us. On stage with them were the girls from 4Tune Quartet, who really brought it, as well. But truly, it was a great mix of tradition and metal, with its unique sound, energy, and stage presence. Dirty Shirt are worth seeing life. And they deserve to be supported for their next album, which will be launched through crowdfunding. Support them here!

Here come Sonata Arctica, a band I have loved so dearly more than ten years ago. While I wasn’t impressed by their latest materials, I was pumped to see them live for the third time. I made my way to the second row, only to be underwhelmed by the poor sound, or rather mixing. It’s something you have to face if you wanna sit in the front, but after a few songs I decided to move to the stands, where the sound was much better. As someone who has listened to their discography multiple times, it would have been hard for me to choose a worse setlist. From their more famous songs, we only got “Full Moon”, with close seconds “Paid in Full” and “The Last Amazing Grays”. But for a festival they were not headlining, you’d expect them to bring out their best of, whether ballads or power metal songs. But songs like “Shitload of Money”, “Cinderblox”, “Losing my Insanity” just fell flat with the audience. I understand that they were promoting their last album with “Life”, “Candle Lawns”, or “Closer To An Animal”.

Even with the not so stellar setlist, I felt them low in energy. They weren’t actively trying to reach out to non-fans, which is the role of a festival. For half of the show, the guitar and bass players did not move. Tony wasn’t doing his usual crazy clown routine in full, either.

I must state that this is my opinion as a long-time fan, who has seen them before and knows what they can do. Many other fans shared my view of disappointment.  It’s not that it was a bad show. I did enjoy seeing them and hearing live the songs I know and love. It was just not them at their best. Or second best. However, for someone who didn’t know them that well, it was a good show. They performed, they sang, they were out there.


Children of Bodom need no introduction. They are so great at what they do, which made them beloved. I was skeptical, as I don’t enjoy growls, but I am glad I saw their whole show. From the beginning, they commanded the stage and the public.  Their music just filled the air and you knew it was something special. So complex, so lively, so powerful. Their sounds was powerful enough to make a great show on its own, but they were still kicking and screaming and performing. They did it all by the book, impeccable.

Photo source: CoB Instagram

The audience responded and cheered for them. One particular cheer left them flabbergasted, as the crowd was chanting “M*ie Dragnea”. Not once, but twice, were the poor guys from CoB left to wonder what people were screaming. A freeing and vindicating moment for the public. A public which was rowdy from beginning to end, for some too much so. Constant crowdsurfing, moshpits, pushing, kicking. I pitied those who stayed in the front rows. From my seats up above in the stalls, I enjoyed the perfect concert.

The energy levels were never down during their show. They were electric and played with such enthusiasm and intensity. You name it, they played it. Want “In Your Face”, “Downfall”, or “Are you Dead Yet”? You got it! Want some “Everytime I die” or “Angels Don’t Kill” with that? Coming right up.

All in all, a good metal day of Metalhead Meeting. One with fun music, with many bands of different styles. And definitely one which belonged in its entirety to Children of Bodom.