The Dead Daisies canta in deschidere la Judas Priest

Judas Priest revin la Bucuresti pe 18 iulie 2022 la Arenele Romane in cadrul turneului aniversar 50 Heavy Metal Years!

In deschidere vor urca pe scena pe langa Amalgama si The Dead Daisies.

The Dead Daisies este un supergrup format in Australia, la Sydney, bazele acestuia fiind puse de David Lowly.  De-a lungul timpului in cadrul formatiei au activat nume mari ale scenei rock internationale precum Slash, Darryl Jones (Rolling Stones), Marco Mendoza (Thin Lizzy), Alex Carapetis (Nine Inch Nails), John Corabi (Motley Crue) sau Glen Hughes (Deep Purple).

Din 2013 cand a luat nastere proiectul, au fost lansate 4 albume de studio, cel mai recent fiind ‘Burn It Down’, lansat in 2019, material care a intrat in topurile a peste zece tari. In momentul de fata, alaturi de David Lowy, fondatorul trupei, in The Dead Daisies activeaza Doug Aldrich – chitara (Whitsnake, DIO), Deen Castronovo – tobe (Journey, Ozzy, Steve Vai) si Glenn Hughes (Deep Purple, Black Sabbath).

Asadar, pe 18 iulie 2022 ne vedem la Arenele Romane cu Judas Priest, The Dead Daisies si Amalgama!

Biletele se gasesc in format electronic pe si in magazinele Flanco,  Metrou Unirii 1, Muzica, IQ BOX si pe terminalele Selfpay. Online, puteti plati cu cardul, Paypal,carduri de tichete culturale Sodexo, pe factura la Vodafone sau Orange sau ramburs prin Fan Courier oriunde in tara.

Biletele au urmatoarele preturi:

– Premium (cu loc) – 349 lei in presale si 370 la intrare 

– Teren (fara loc, in fata scenei) –  259 in presale si 280 la intrare

– Acces General (cu loc) – 159 lei in presale si 180 lei la intrare

Judas Priest la Bucuresti: S-au pus biletele in vanzare

Judas Priest revin la Bucuresti pe 20 iulie 2021 la Arenele Romane in cadrul turneului aniversar 50 Heavy Metal Years! 

Astazi, 3 Decembrie, s-au pus in vanzare biletele pentru concert.

Biletele se gasesc in format electronic pe si in magazinele Flanco, Diverta, Carturesti, Metrou Unirii 1, Muzica, IQ BOX, Uman, Casa de Balet si pe terminalele Selfpay. Online, puteti plati cu cardul, Paypal,carduri de tichete culturale Sodexo, pe factura la Vodafone sau Orange sau ramburs prin Fan Courier oriunde in tara.

Biletele au urmatoarele preturi:

– Premium (cu loc) – 319 lei in earlybird, 349 lei in presale si 370 la intrare 

– Teren (fara loc, in fata scenei) – 229 lei in earlybird, 259 in presale si 280 la intrare

– Acces General (cu loc) – 139 lei in earlybird, 159 lei in presale si 180 lei la intrare

Perioada earlybird este limitata la primele 200 de bilete din fiecare categorie

Pentru biletele “cu loc” accesul se face doar prin parc prin lateralele arenei. 

Pentru biletele de pe Teren accesul se face pe la portile de jos din parc ale Arenelor Romane.

Biletele ofera participantilor acces doar in categoriile in care si-au cumparat bilet.

La pretul tuturor biletelor comandate in earlybird si presale se adauga comisionul de emitere bilet de 10 lei.

Copiii sub 2 ani au acces gratuit doar in zona Teren (nu si pe scaune) si insotiti de un adult posesor de bilet valabil.

Recomandam fanilor care vin cu copii sub 10 ani sa le proteje acestora urechile cu casti speciale. La concert volumul va fi puternic si acesta poate afecta auzul copiilor.

Organizatorii vor organiza suficiente puncte de vanzare a bauturilor pentru a evita cozile, Arenele Romane fiind o locatie propice pentru evenimentele de gen. Recomandam totusi sa veniti la concert din timp si nu fix inainte de Judas Priest. Este normal ca la orele de varf, fix inainte de intrarea pe scena a trupei cand se atinge capacitatea maxima a locatiei, barurile sa se aglomereze. Organizatorii vor oferi un program detaliat cu cateva saptamani inainte de concert.

Un eveniment METALHEAD powered by ROCK FM

Powerwolf și Gloryhammer la București: Program și reguli de acces

Powerwolf si Gloryhammer canta la Bucuresti pe 27 noiembrie la Arenele Romane (cort incalzit). In deschidere vor urca pe scena Gloryhammer.






ATENTIE: FUMATUL in cortul incalzit al Arenelor Romane ESTE INTERZIS !!! Se fumeaza doar in locurile special amenajate !!!

Portile Arenelor Romane se deschid la ora 19:00 iar concertul incep la ora 20:00, portile fiind deschise pana la finalul concertului.

Accesul se face prin intrarea din parc a Arenelor Romane (cea mare, standard, de jos) si fiecare categorie de bilet va avea cate un coridor special.

Accesul in perimetrul evenimentului este permis pe baza de bilet valid. Odata intrati in incinta Arenelor Romane, nu puteti parasi locatia decat in caz de urgenta. In caz contrar va trebui sa cumparati un alt bilet. Posesorii de bilete Golden Circle vor primi o bratara speciala cu care pot intra si in zona de Acces General.

Zona de concert are o singura zona de acces si cinci iesiri de siguranta marcate ca atare. Normele de siguranta le gasiti mai jos. La locatie va fi prezent un punct de prim ajutor.

Guestlist-ul este valabil pana la ora 21:00.


Este interzis in zona de concert:

  • accesul cu arme sau obiecte periculoase
  • accesul cu alcool sau alte bauturi si alimente din exteriorul zonei de festival.
  • accesul cu materiale inflamabile, canistre pe gaz sau masini de gatit de orice fel
  • umbrele (concertul are loc in cort incalzit)
  • aparate foto profesionale sau semi-profesionale (cu obiectiv detasabil)
  • aparate de inregistrare audio-video profesionale sau semi-profesionale.

De asemenea va rugam sa lasati animalele de companie acasa.


Pentru a avea parte de un concert in siguranta, Arenele Romane au facut inca 4 iesiri de urgenta in cort asa ca acum sunt 6 plus inca una in spatele scenei. A fost instalat un sistem de iluminat automat in caz de intrerupere a curentului electric.

De asemenea, vor fi oameni de paza la toate iesirile de urgenta din Cort. Doua dintre ele duc in gangurile clasice iar patru dintre ele pe scarile care urca inspre iesirile de urgenta catre coronament care dau in parc.


-sa respecte masurile de aparare impotriva incendiilor, stabilite de SC Sfinx Experience SRL;

-sa nu introduca sau sa nu incerce introducerea in incinta de faclii, artificii, petarde, torte, recipiente, materiale incendiare ori fumigene, substante toxice, substante iritant-lacrimogene sau cu efect paralizant (ori alte asemenea materiale, substante sau obiecte), obiecte artizanale si de distractie, pe baza de amestecuri pirotehnice, artificii din categoria “obiecte zburatoare luminoase”, pocnitori ori altele asemenea ce pot favoriza producerea si propagarea incendiilor;

-sa nu aduca in stare de neutilizare, indiferent de mod, semnele, afisele, marcajele sau altele asemenea, destinate apararii impotriva incendiilor aflate in incinta

-sa nu aduca in stare de neutilizare, indiferent de mod, mijloacele tehnice de aparare impotriva incendiilor aflate in incinta;

-publicului ii este interzis sa dezlipeasca sau sa distruga reclamele, anunturile si afisele expuse de organizator in incinta ansamblului construit, precum si sa deterioreze, sa ridice sau sa mute semnele ori indicatoarele amplasate de organizator, pentru facilitarea accesului in incinta, a evacuarii persoanelor, a interventiei in situatii de urgenta sau a celor care semnaleaza existenta unui pericol pentru viata persoanelor;

-sa fumeze numai in locurile fara pericol de incendiu, special amenajate si marcate.


  • In cadrul evenimentului se vor comercializa diverse sortimente de bauturi, vanzarea acestora facandu-se pe baza de jetoane care pot fi procurate de la casele special amenajate.
  • Vanzarea produselor pe baza de jetoane faciliteaza o servire mai rapida
  • Contravaloarea jetoanelor ramase se returneaza pana la finalul evenimentului doar pe baza bonului fiscal!


Toate biletele sunt cu loc in picioare.

  • Accesul in spatiul de eveniment va fi permis unei singure persoane pe baza biletului valid, o singura data. Biletul in baza caruia se va face accesul va trebui pastrat pe toata durata concertului.
  • Parasirea perimetrului de concert, dupa validarea biletului de acces, va fi strict interzisa. Persoanele care doresc sa paraseasca zona de eveniment o pot face, dar la iesire bratara le va fi rupta si daca doresc sa intre din nou, vor trebui sa-si cumpere alte bilete.
  • Este strict interzisa vanzarea sau cumpararea invitatiilor si vanzarea sau cumpararea biletelor la suprapret. Organizatorii isi rezerva dreptul de a interzice intrarea la concert a persoanelor care vor fi depistate ca desfasoara astfel de activitati si de a confisca invitatiile, respectiv biletele, aflate in posesia acestora. Se recomanda achizitionarea biletelor doar din punctele de vanzare autorizate.
  • Accesul in zona de Golden Circle se face pe baza bratarii primita la intrare. Spectatorii cu acest tip de bilete vor avea acces si in zona de Acces General. Spectatorii care au bilete la categoria Acces General nu vor avea acces la Golden Circle.

Un eveniment METALHEAD powered by ROCK FM

Sărbătoarea Subcarpați și pe 2 Decembrie

La cererea publicului trupa Subcarpati va sustine un al doilea show pe 2 decembrie. BestMusic vă invită și în acest an să ținem obiceiul în picioare și să facem încă un concert sold out. Invitate speciale sunt Surorile Osoianu.

Subcarpați e un mix exploziv între muzici tradiționale românești și beat-urile zilei de azi. O combinație eclectică prin care ne reoxigenăm cu folclor românesc, instrumente tradiționale și ritmuri de trip-hop, dubstep, rap sau dancehall.

Trupa s-a născut în 2010, la inițiativa lui MC Bean, solistul trupei Șuie Paparude. La granița dintre folclor și ritmuri moderne, de electro și hip-hop, trupa pune preț pe tot ce înseamnă tradițional românesc.

Subcarpați reinterpretează folclorul în manieră proprie și aduce în prim-plan ideea că e important să ne conectăm la originile noastre. Vorbește despre patriotism și dragostea pentru valorile tradiționale fără să le transforme într-un discurs patetic.

Biletele se găsesc în format electronic pe și în rețeaua fizică Magazinele Flanco, Diverta, Hard Rock Cafe, Cafe Deko, Club Vintage, Club Quantic, Expirat Halele Carol (în intervalul orar: 18:00-22:00), Berăria H, Metrou Unirii 1 lângă casa de bilete Metrorex, Magazinul Muzica, Magazinele IQ BOX – Telekom, Agențiile Perfect Tour, Magazinele Uman, sediul librăriei Libmag (Bulevardul I.C. Brătianu, nr. 6, Sector 3), Casa de balet și pe terminalele Selfpay din toată țara.

Online pe, puteți plăti cu cardul, prin Paypal, pe factură la Vodafone sau Orange cu plata la sfârșitul lunii sau ramburs cu plata cash prin Fan Courier oriunde în țară.

Acestea au următoarele prețuri:

  • presale: 65 lei până pe 15 noiembrie
  • presale: 70 lei până pe 1 decembrie
  • la intrare: 80 lei

Apocalyptica la Arenele Romane: Program și reguli de acces

Pe 29 octombrie ne întâlnim la Arenele Romane (cort încălzit) la un nou concert cu finlandezii de la Apocalyptica: “Apocalyptica plays Metallica by 4 cellos” unde trupa vor canta integral materialul care i-a consacrat alături de multe alte hituri Metallica.





ATENȚIE: FUMATUL în cortul încălzit al Arenelor Romane ESTE INTERZIS !!! Se fumează doar în locurile special amenajate !!!

Porțile Arenelor Romane se deschid la ora 20:00 iar concertul începe la ora 21:00, porțile fiind deschise până la finalul concertului.

Accesul se face prin intrarea din parc a Arenelor Romane (cea mare, standard, de jos) și fiecare categorie de bilet va avea câte un coridor special.

Accesul în perimetrul evenimentului este permis pe baza de bilet valid. Odata intrați în incinta Arenelor Romane, nu puteți părăsi locația decât în caz de urgență. În caz contrar va trebui să cumpărați un alt bilet. Posesorii de bilete Golden Circle vor primi o brățară specială cu care pot intra și în zona de Acces General.

Zona de concert are o singură zonă de acces și cinci ieșiri de siguranță marcate ca atare. Normele de siguranță le găsiți mai jos. La locație va fi prezent un punct de prim ajutor.

Guestlist-ul este valabil până la ora 21:00.


Este interzis in zona de concert:

– accesul cu arme sau obiecte periculoase

– accesul cu alcool sau alte bauturi si alimente din exteriorul zonei de festival.

– accesul cu materiale inflamabile, canistre pe gaz sau masini de gatit de orice fel

– umbrele (concertul are loc in cort incalzit)

– aparate foto profesionale sau semi-profesionale (cu obiectiv detasabil)

– aparate de inregistrare audio-video profesionale sau semi-profesionale.

De asemenea va rugam sa lasati animalele de companie acasa. 


Pentru a avea parte de un concert in siguranta, Arenele Romane au facut inca 4 iesiri de urgenta in cort asa ca acum sunt 6 plus inca una in spatele scenei. A fost instalat un sistem de iluminat automat in caz de intrerupere a curentului electric. 

De asemenea, vor fi oameni de paza la toate iesirile de urgenta din Cort. Doua dintre ele duc in gangurile clasice iar patru dintre ele pe scarile care urca inspre iesirile de urgenta catre coronament care dau in parc.


-sa respecte masurile de aparare impotriva incendiilor, stabilite de SC Sfinx Experience SRL;

-sa nu introduca sau sa nu incerce introducerea in incinta de faclii, artificii, petarde, torte, recipiente, materiale incendiare ori fumigene, substante toxice, substante iritant-lacrimogene sau cu efect paralizant (ori alte asemenea materiale, substante sau obiecte), obiecte artizanale si de distractie, pe baza de amestecuri pirotehnice, artificii din categoria “obiecte zburatoare luminoase”, pocnitori ori altele asemenea ce pot favoriza producerea si propagarea incendiilor;

-sa nu aduca in stare de neutilizare, indiferent de mod, semnele, afisele, marcajele sau altele asemenea, destinate apararii impotriva incendiilor aflate in incinta

-sa nu aduca in stare de neutilizare, indiferent de mod, mijloacele tehnice de aparare impotriva incendiilor aflate in incinta;

-publicului ii este interzis sa dezlipeasca sau sa distruga reclamele, anunturile si afisele expuse de organizator in incinta ansamblului construit, precum si sa deterioreze, sa ridice sau sa mute semnele ori indicatoarele amplasate de organizator, pentru facilitarea accesului in incinta, a evacuarii persoanelor, a interventiei in situatii de urgenta sau a celor care semnaleaza existenta unui pericol pentru viata persoanelor;

-sa fumeze numai in locurile fara pericol de incendiu, special amenajate si marcate.


 – In cadrul evenimentului se vor comercializa diverse sortimente de bauturi, vanzarea acestora facandu-se pe baza de jetoane care pot fi procurate de la casele special amenajate. 

– Vanzarea produselor pe baza de jetoane faciliteaza o servire mai rapida

– Contravaloarea jetoanelor ramase se returneaza pana la finalul evenimentului doar pe baza bonului fiscal! 


-Biletele se gasesc in format electronic pe si in magazinele Flanco, Diverta, Carturesti, Metrou Unirii 1, Muzica, IQ BOX, Uman, Casa de Balet si pe terminalele Selfpay. Online, puteti plati cu cardul, Paypal,carduri de tichete culturale Sodexo, pe factura la Vodafone sau Orange sau ramburs prin Fan Courier oriunde in tara.

Biletele au urmatoarele preturi:

– presale: 119 acces general /175 golden circle

– la acces: 150 acces general 200 golden circle

La pretul tuturor biletelor se adauga comisionul de 5 lei.

Zona Golden Circle are doar 400 de locuri si se afla in fata scenei.

Toate biletele sunt cu loc in picioare.

– Accesul in spatiul de eveniment va fi permis unei singure persoane pe baza biletului valid, o singura data. Biletul in baza caruia se va face accesul va trebui pastrat pe toata durata concertului.

– Parasirea perimetrului de concert, dupa validarea biletului de acces, va fi strict interzisa. Persoanele care doresc sa paraseasca zona de eveniment o pot face, dar la iesire bratara le va fi rupta si daca doresc sa intre din nou, vor trebui sa-si cumpere alte bilete.

 – Este strict interzisa vanzarea sau cumpararea invitatiilor si vanzarea sau cumpararea biletelor la suprapret. Organizatorii isi rezerva dreptul de a interzice intrarea la concert a persoanelor care vor fi depistate ca desfasoara astfel de activitati si de a confisca invitatiile, respectiv biletele, aflate in posesia acestora. Se recomanda achizitionarea biletelor doar din punctele de vanzare autorizate.

 – Accesul in zona de Golden Circle se face pe baza bratarii primita la intrare. Spectatorii cu acest tip de bilete vor avea acces si in zona de Acces General. Spectatorii care au bilete la categoria Acces General nu vor avea acces la Golden Circle. 

Un eveniment BestMusic Live Concerts powered by ROCK FM

Holidays inside the heart of Romania (I)

When I think of traveling, two words come to mind: happiness and diversity.

I have always thought that this world is too small to stay in one place (or, to, you know – just work and pay bills). But while we are really eager to discover new faraway places and jump into a totally new world and culture, we sometimes wrongly disregard the closer ones. Our next unknown destination could lie next to us, but not trigger our curiosity because it doesn’t seem foreign enough.

Somehow (and some of you may resonate with me here) I used to not consider my own country so interesting to visit, thinking that I knew everything or just because it was one too easy goal to achieve. The truth is that you never know enough until you go there. Romania can be enchanting thanks to a bunch of small, simple features which, gathered altogether, depict a beautiful country.

Bucharest used to be known as the “little Paris”, while these days it has become “the lively and chaotic capital with cheap beer”; Brasov is where Dracula lives, a gem in the heart of Transylvania. Then there are many outstandingly beautiful areas of Romania that tourists appreciate for the tradition that is still kept in place, like a pocket of time.

Traditions are kept in the North (maybe “the North remembers” could have more meanings, if you think about it). In Bucovina and Maramures one can find the real “lively” spirit of Romania and its real wealth: the fully green hills and valleys and the warm-hearted people. In my last trip I got to know them all.

First stop: Putna

Putna or Stephane the Great´s place

I couldn’t think of a better place as an opening to this journey. It introduces you to a peaceful and story-like atmosphere. Its two main elements are the hills and the Monastery. They are peaceful and, literally legendary at the same time, as the region plays an important role in History.

The Monastery of Putna was built under the orders of Stephan the Great, ruler of Moldavia between 1547 and 1504. There is a nice story behind it, which also connects the two key attractions I have just mentioned. On the upside of the hill there is a big cross, which lights up at night and represents an important symbol of the construction of the Monastery. It is said that Stefan aimed with his arch from that spot, saying that, wherever he would shoot, he would build the abbey. I also recommend climbing up until there. It is totally worth it and you can follow Stephan´s steps. I would leave the arch home though…

Vatra Dornei

Imagine arriving to a wide space that looks like the scenery we usually create in our head when we want to calm down and think of something relaxing. You know…when you imagine running on a large field, on a sunny day, feeling free and happy in the arms of the nature. This is exactly how it feels once you drive closer and closer to the heart of Bucovina. More than Vatra Dornei itself, as a city, there are the surroundings in there that totally grasp you. Oh, and their food. They have really good “ciorba”.

The accommodation in there makes a difference also, as most of the guesthouses are actually chalets located outside of the city, as high on the hill as possible. That way you can enjoy a beautiful view in the morning while drinking your coffee or watch the stars at night. They are usually way more visible from a large field. A good reason why the cabin we stayed at was called “the Dream House”.

Our stop here included more and more amazing landscapes to admire. The chairlift really lifts you. It lifts your state of mind. The road to the top of the hill with the chairlift, between trees and large areas of fields opening in front of us every five minutes, made me realize I hadn’t felt so relaxed in a long time. Arriving there, we were welcome by traditional Bucovenian music and an appealing smell of “mici”. It couldn´t get more Romanian than that. It is also a great place for trying horse-riding and visiting a stable.

Moonspell și Rotting Christ pleacă împreună în turneu Europeam

MOONSPELL și ROTTING CHRIST își unesc forțele și pornesc într-un amplu turneu european care va acoperi mai bine de 50 de orașe din peste 25 de țări, printre care și România. Cele două trupe promit show-uri spectaculoase, care vor aduce publicul sub vraja întunecată a metal-ului sud-european.

Cu o carieră de peste 25 de ani la activ, Moonspell a fost și rămâne o forță, atât din punct de vedere al creativității, cât și al prestațiilor live. Din 1992 și până în prezent, trupa a lansat nu mai puțin de 11 albume de studio, membrii săi fiind supranumiți „regii portughezi ai gothic metal-ului”.
Cel mai recent album, 1755, a încântat fanii prin amestecul reușit de istorie și metal. Cântat în întregime în portugheză, albumul spune povestea celei mai triste zile din istoria Lisabonei – 1 noiembrie 1755, când citadela a fost devastată de un cutremur teribil, urmat de incendii generalizate și tsunamiuri.

În prezent, trupa lucrează la un nou material discografic, a cărui lansare e planificată în 2020 prin intermediul Napalm Records.

Rotting Christ s-a format în 1987 și, de peste 30 de ani, combină metalul și moștenirea culturală. Pionieră a black metal-ului grecesc, trupa are la activ 13 albume de studio și o excelentă reputație în concerte. Legătura cu fanii români a fost mereu strânsă, ROTTING CHRIST surprinzându-i în 2013 cu o interpretare proprie a cunoscutei piese „Cine iubește și lasă”. Cel mai recent album, The Heretics, a fost lansat în luna februarie a acestui an.

Noi ne întâlnim cu trupele pe 16 noiembrie 2019, la Quantic.

Biletele au fost puse în vânzare, la următoarele prețuri:
Presale: 100 de bilete la 70 de lei / buc. – SOLD OUT
Normal: 700 de bilete la 100 de lei / buc.
Biletele pot fi achiziționate din rețeaua

Vă invităm la un regal metal, pe 16 noiembrie, la Quantic!

Evenimentul este organizat de Asociația Rock Culture.

The stories behind our actions

Do you ever sit and think about why are you doing some things and consider who has done or said them first? It may sound as overthinking. This is not something we do all the time; unless one is fond of digging towards the root of things.

Some people study history in order to find an explanation for their present days, others study etymology in order to understand the whys behind the language they are speaking. There can be many weird, maybe even funny stories that can come out of this research. I went ahead and selected a few interesting and important ones, which have profound consequences to this day. Let’s see how those go.

The universe of storytelling comes in many shapes – realistic stories, fictive stories, myths, legends, fairytales, the story our grandpa told us from back in his time or a simple occurrence told by an old friend. Most of the times we are not aware of the effect that this has on us in the long-term.

Some brief examples: the tooth fairy, the monster under your bed, the acts of love we usually do, the “pandora’s box” phrase – there is an explanation behind all of them. Where do we use them and what is the connection with the “past”? Let the overthinking start.

closeup photo of castle with mist

Fear of the dark and other childhood stories

Remember that night of insomnia you might have experienced at some point. Amongst all the other twisted thoughts in your head, you were probably thinking about the terror the dark creates within you – that terror that gives you a strange feeling and it remembers you of your childhood. What was it that scared you so much back in time? Maybe the monster under your bed

The fear of the monster under the bed is very common within children and we may sometimes find ourselves recalling this fear. However, where did it come from? Who started this? Some parent, at some point, threatened his child for the first time with the appearance of the monster from under their bed, when they did not want to sleep. Anyway, even this idea and affirmation comes from an older story and from some developed human instinct. From the beginning of time, every attack and every malefic occurrence was happening during nighttime. Then there is also the common and normal fear of what we cannot see. We cannot protect ourselves and neither beware of our “enemy” in the ark. This phobia is being fed by the numerous horror stories we read or watch. This psychological thig mixed with ancient and modern stories will make one turn on, one by one, every light of their house when they hear a noise. We have all done it at some at some point.

While for adults it is a bit hard to overcome this fear, as it turns into a more serious one, it is possible to, at least, help children fall asleep. Mythology gives us the “good guy” as well – the “Sandman”, who actually helps children fall asleep. It is a Scandinavian myth that says that he is throwing magical sand in their eyes, which is also meant to bring the good dreams. In the mind of a child, this could work as a psychological effect, just as the “placebo” effect works on us when we take a pill. The Sandman is also a good example of how old stories and myths could inspire art – we can find him as a main character in Neil Gaiman’s comic books, The Sandman and as a symbol in Metallica’s Enter Sandman song. Some stories live through other stories and most of them start as a childhood story. Here is another one:

Do you remember fairies? We used to love them as a child. I have one that was also present in our childhood days – in an apparent, physical way, in our naïve mind – the Tooth Fairy. As a child, losing a tooth was neither a simple procedure, nor an event without consequences. It hurt, but hey! – we were getting money for it. Maybe not us in Romania, but American kids surely were getting some gold for their teeth. The old myth says that if we left your lost tooth under your pillow during the night, the tooth fairy would come and pick it up. As a reward, she would leave us some money under the pillow. In our innocent childhood days, this was a moment of happiness. And this myth was told for the first time in the medieval era. It is impressive how we still use this technique with kids nowadays (like Santa Claus, just that not as popular).

woman in white dress wearing green fairy wings

Maybe you have a vague memory about throwing your tooth over the roof of your house. This would be another made up myth of how to be rewarded for your lost tooth, which is applied in other cultures. It doesn’t bring money but it is said to bring good luck to kids. Not that much worth the pain, right? I remember believing strongly in it though.

Children are fascinated with stories; their world revolves around them. That’s why it is so easy for parents to educate them with the helping-hand of a good story. In fact, we are led by stories, too, even though we don’t realize it. We can take a deeper look into the adulthood world.

When did the romanticism start?

Love stories

Taking one of the nicest things adults enjoy doing today – nice, romantic stuff with or for their partners. Some things might be done by instinct but others are inspired from stories heard before, although we may not realize where and how we heard them. It could be a recalled tale from your childhood, an old movie you watched before, a glimpse you took into your mother’s romantic novels or some simple gestures and adventures noticed outside there, in your surroundings.

photo of woman hugging man under clear umbrella

Romeo and Juliet is one of the most commonly used comparison when referring to an in love couple. “Be my Juliet and I will be your Romeo”, “Romeo and Juliet are together in eternity”, “A lovestruck Romeo sang the streets of serenade” – some songs that made use of these characters and of the ever-lasting love story. It’s taken as an example of true love and sacrifice, as a whole, but also as an example of a prohibited love. Anyway, since the 16th century people long to find their Romeo/Juliet. This is an older example, but most of the idealistic love stories depict a feeling that can overcome any challenge, a feeling that is stronger that any barrier in life.

There are some more examples that could quickly come to mind: Tristan and Isolde, Beauty and the Beast and The Sleeping Beauty or some more modern stories like Rose and Jack´s one from Titanic. Oh! And let´s not forget Jane Austen´s books and her particular characters and dialogs she builds between them. We have proof that love examples and inspiration can date back in any cycle of our life. As a kid, we don’t recognize their importance; as a teenager, we desperately wish to live the same stories; and as an adult, we don’t really realize that we had looked for that feeling before.

Talking about Tristan and Isolde – the end of their tragic love story depicts a rose that grown on Tristan’s tomb – a rose that will live forever. When did we first hear about roses, by the way?

The rose

This flower of passion is a symbol for love and romanticism since the beginning of art and culture. We have the Greek mythology as a reference and Aphrodite’s legend – the flower would grew with her tears and the red color would be given by her lover’s blood. It’s marvelous how a simple legend can have such an influence over the world and their customs; and this is just a legend out of thousands, maybe million others. Maybe you have come upon Saint George’s one:

red rose on top of piano

Dragons “lived” way longer than in George R.R. Martin’s books. The legend made Saint George the main character of a brave battle with a Dragon and a beautiful love story. He saves a princess whose destiny had made her the perfect sacrifice for the dragon who was threatening the city. From the dragon’s blood there grew our famous rose, which he offered to the princess.

photo of knight riding dragon action figure

Saint George is the patron Saint of various towns and countries but I would choose Catalonia (Spain) for some “did you know” facts here:

  • during Saint George’s day, according to tradition, men have to offer roses to women.
  • the legend is so powerful within Catalans that even their flag contains the image of the Saint, on a horse, killing the dragon with his sword
  • the architecture of “Palau de la Música” in Barcelona is beautifully portraying, amongst other impressive statues, the statue of Saint George and, also, a ceiling where multiple roses surround the bright stained glass.

This is how a simple story can become a culture and how it can turn into art as well.


Here we are looking through another example of romanticism, which is, perhaps, a more rarely encountered one. It is a special gesture because it suggests respect and honesty. It would be interesting to talk a bit about its origins: we can go way back to the Roman empire when it was employed as a sign of submission and respect for monarchs (it could have settled the base of its evolution). It was later on, in the 17th century, in the Polish and Spanish courts as an expression of courtesy and esteem. In time, it turned into the romantic gesture we all know today, still having as main symbolism respect and sincere appreciation. We can consider it fully valuable.

Even words have a story

Now let’s get to something even more common and which we often encounter in our lives: the language, our daily speech. During our day-to-day conversations, we find ourselves saying some sentences or more like expressions that we had surely heard before, that are specific of the language or quoted from some old story.

Whenever we are joking around with our friends, we use all kinds of quotes and phrases we had heard in movies and books. So whenever I say that my room is my private space, “you shall not pass!” Most probably, the first thing that comes to your mind is Gandalf´s face and Lord of the Rings. However, this phrase was shouted for the first time during the First World War, within the battle of Verdun. It was emphasizing the determination of the French army to defend their territory from the Germans. The original expression is “they shall not pass”. Nowadays it is still used in similar situations and propagandas, given the power and courage that it evokes.

If we were to have a wider, cultural view, the sentence has been adapted in various languages, too, although one may utter it in English most of the times. In Romania, for example, “pe aici nu se trece” has been said during the “battle of Marasesti” (still against the Germans) and it gave the name to a Romanian movie inspired by the historic WWI happenings.

Browsing through the infinite quoting scenarios, from different cultures, there are some funny ones that come in view (well…in “hearing” actually). Latin America is a fully alive and full of humor land. That is why they also have a great deal of weird and amusing quotes and phrases. “Vete al carajo” could totally fit into this category.  It is literally translated as “go to the carajo” but we have to see with this carajo means, as it is a typical Spanish word.On the old Spanish sailing ships there was this guard post on the highest point of the ship, which was very uncomfortable due to the windy conditions and the movements of the ship which were making it unstable. Given its bad position, it was also used as a punishment. Crewmembers who were disobeying the rules were being sent there. Therefore, each time latins get mad at someone they send them to “el carajo”. Thinking about it, it is actually one of the few phrases that actually make total sense. Consider it for the next time.

The English “fair play” term is an accurate example of how language adapts to the passing of time. The one who “gave birth” to this way of expressing justness was Shakespeare. He used it in “The Tempest”, where it was pointing out the negotiation of kingdoms. Currently, we are using it in sports or in any other day-to-day similar circumstances. Sometimes it’s interesting to think about its origins; it is not “fair play” to not give credit.

Some stories are traveling through time

We have seen that stories affect us unconsciously and they sometimes inspire us as well. There is more to it, anyway, when somebody taken action on them. Things flow along with time and people use, recycle and modernize learnings from before.

The modern art and technology is even using old discoveries in order to make them real or to create a piece of art.

The parallel universe, mentioned by Plato hundreds of years ago, is taking more and more shapes today with the scientific discoveries. It also creates some pretty terrifying horror movies (Example: Stranger Things series)

Oh, Bella Ciao! 

Does this sound familiar to you? It’s that kind of song that gets stuck in your head instantly and unwillingly.

The Bella Ciao song, initially composed as a defensive against fascism and chanted by the Italian partisans is still intonated during protests for freedom and opposition. Besides, it also makes the main theme of the famous “Money Heist” show. In the series, the song conveys the shouting for strength and resistance. Its symbolic meaning can be applied in a variety of scenarios and it can be a tool for art creation. I bet you would feel like playing that song on the background even in some small, glorious moments of your life, too.

It doesn’t matter whether you are an adult or a child. Everybody deserves a story and, consciously or unconsciously, that old or modern fairy tale is leading your way through life. They say kids are smart in their tiny, imaginary world. This is why we should be kids from time to time and use this adulthood tales to develop something bigger out of them; or in order to just enjoy and escape from reality from time to time.

Codrina Pavalachi

Mihai Barbu Project urcă pe scenă cu Shokran (RU) pe 12 septembrie, la București

Păstrați ziua de joi, 12 septembrie, liberă pentru că ne întâlnim cu Shokran și Mihai Barbu Project în Quantic Club. Shokran vine din Rusia și abordează genul progressive metal cu elemente orientale și mult djent. Trupa activează din 2012 și au debutat cu EP-ul „Sixth Sense” în același an, primul album de studio fiind lansat în 2014 cu numele „Supreme Truth”.

Mihai Barbu Project a luat naștere din inițiativa lui Mihai Barbu în toamna anului 2017. Aceasta și-a creat propriul stil muzical prin îmbinarea elementelor de progressive și ambient metal, reușind astfel să aibă un sunet modern și complex. MBP a lansat recent albumul de debut pe majoritatea platformelor de streaming, album ce conține un material muzical cu o durată de peste 80 de minute. Piesele atacă conflictul interior al artistului și pacea regăsită odată cu finele compoziției.

Începând cu toamna anului 2017, trupa a avut o serie de concerte și a făcut parte din mai multe festivaluri organizate pe teritoriul țării. Majoritatea evenimentelor s-au desfășurat în București, oraș de unde provine formația, în cluburi precum Quantic, Control și Fabrica. MBP a cântat alături de numeroși artiști cunoscuți și apreciați în domeniu, precum Days of Confusion, Need, Pistol cu Capse, Bucium, Taine, Talisman, Prefix TM și mulți alții. Trupa a avut plăcerea să facă parte în anul 2018 din festivalul Barock Fest de la Petroșani, cântând alături de Iris, Dordeduh, Tuff etc. În luna iulie 2018, MBP a fost desemnată câștigătoare a concursului “Be The Next Great Rock Band” organizat de M.A.N. România, având onoarea să cânte alături de Dave Evans & The Rock, în cadrul unui festival de mare amploare desfășurat la Lepșa Mică. În august 2018, MBP a făcut parte din festivalul Black & White Motorfest desfășurat la Cetatea de Scaun Suceava, cântând alături de Vița de Vie, Cargo, Urma, E-An-Na și mulți alții.

Pe lângă lansarea de album în format audio digital, pe serviciile de streaming (Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play, Amazon etc.) și fizic, sub formă de CD-uri, trupa își propune să scoată un conținut video regulat sub formă de videoclipuri ca suport vizual pentru materialul audio, având deja un video pentru piesa “Look Behind”. În ceea ce privește demonstrația live, colaborarea cu un inginer de sunet profesionist face ca experiența de ascultare să fie una curată și exemplar realizată din punct de vedere tehnic. Metodologia de promovare a trupei este preponderent realizată în mediul online, prin site-urile de socializare, și prin website-ul trupei, iar merchandise-ul sub formă de tricouri și alte accesorii vine doar ca o completare în mediul fizic. Logo-ul și graphic design-ul pentru materiale sunt realizate în colaborare cu un designer cu experiență în spate, ce ne permite să avem o prezentă curată și proaspătă pe scena de underground/metal din România.

Biletele se pot achiziționa exclusiv de pe la următoarele prețuri:

  • 30 lei – Earlybird (preţ pentru primele 50)
  • 40 lei – Presale (preţ redus până pe 11 septembrie, inclusiv)
  • 50 lei – Acces (preţ în ziua evenimentului, atât online cât și la intrare)

United Stories of American Women

Americans are proud of their history. They are proud of the independence they fought for, and they even, sometimes, bury the not-so-honorable portions of history to remain prideful. Growing up in America, you learn of this soil’s history nearly as soon as you start school, but it is painfully clear that the history we learn is full of men. Men fought and won the Revolutionary War. Men fought the Civil War. A man abolished slavery. Our presidents are filled with nothing but testosterone. It was all men.

That causes one to wonder: where were all the women?

Were they not allowed to be involved? Were they confined to their homes, bearing and taking care of children? Were they waiting patiently for their husbands to come home?

The answer is simple: they weren’t. Women are scattered all across American History. This country’s history is saturated with the efforts of women, trying to make a difference. The only difference between these men and women is the men’s efforts are documented. They are taught in school, and they are celebrated during national holidays. Women’s stories are not. And it is not because they don’t exist. It is simply because they’re silenced.

Woman Sitting on Floor While Reading

Sybil Ludington

          The British are coming! The British are coming! If you have ever lived in America, learned anything about American History, you know the name Paul Revere. He is the brave man that journeyed through the night, letting everyone know the enemy was arriving.

            What is not very well-known is that Sybil Ludington did the same exact thing at sixteen years old, no less. 

            Ludington was born in 1761. Her father was loyal to the English throne until three years before America signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Joining the Revolution, he was promoted to Colonel of his regiment.

            On April 26, 1777, Sybil Ludington took the ride of her life when another man was simply too tired to continue. She alerted her father’s men, that were scattered at the time, of danger and telling them to return to the front lines. It is estimated that she rode twice as far as Paul Revere, ranging to about 40 miles in total.

            Because of her noble efforts, men were able to march and face the British in the Battle of Ridgefield. And even though, she is often forgotten today in history, George Washington did honor her for her efforts.

Coretta Scott King

            Most people know Coretta Scott King because of her husband: Martin Luther King, Jr. But what many do not know is that King was a very integral part of the Civil Rights Movement.

            Before she met her future husband, King dreamed of becoming a famous singer. However, she soon sacrificed that dream in the name of fighting for her civil rights. She excelled at a young age, graduating from high school as the valedictorian before moving on to receive her BA in music at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio. King was then awarded a scholarship to further her education at New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, where she met Martin Luther King, Jr.

            After marrying her husband, King found herself in the middle of the Civil Rights Movement, fighting peacefully alongside her husband. Because of her family’s participation, her and MLK’s proximity to the movement, they often received death threats. Their home was a never-ending target for groups against their efforts. King also openly criticized the way in which the movement tended to exclude women while she fought for injustice.

            Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated on April 4th, 1968. Even after her husband’s death, King continuously supported the efforts of the movement, participating in a labor strike only days after her husband’s funeral. She remained the voice of several women’s right causes, traveling to lecture about those issues as well as racism and economic ones.

            Because of this, King was awarded the Universal Love Award. She also published a memoir, documenting her time with Martin Luther King, Jr. and their fight for justice. It was her hard work that finally paid off in the materialization of the federal holiday in 1983, honoring her husband.

“Agent 355”

Some women in history remained so unknown that their name is not even documented. Agent 355 is one of them. She was one of George Washington’s most reliable spies during the American Revolution.

She was seen with Britain’s highest-ranking officers, working for the other side of the Revolution. She often attended cocktail parties and soirees with the British elite, though her intentions far passed simply socializing.

 Agent 355 was the member of America’s first elite spy ring, though little to no information is known about her person. Though people have described her as many would a typical spy, one who has wit and charm like no one else.

Because of Agent 355, America could defeat the world’s most powerful military of that time. She is the only member of this spy ring whose identity remains unknown, and no one knows what became of her after the Revolution. But it is because of her that the Patriots could gain their independence.

These women are only among the hundreds that have been silenced throughout American History. The success and tenacity of these women have helped build this country to what it is today, though there is still much more work that needs to be done.

            Simply because these women achieved great things does not mean the achievement of their male counterparts are lesser, though these women’s efforts do get buried while the efforts of men are celebrated on a public forum and in large scales. National holidays are created in honor of men while many women’s efforts are not even taught in educational settings.

Shedding light on just a few important women helps brings them to an equal level as men. At the end of the day, that is all women ask, even present-day. People are so used to men being superior that placing women at an equal scale is seen as “man-hating”.

We do not want to be superior to men. We simply want to be seen as equals. Our hard work makes a difference, and it should be celebrated just as men’s hard work is.

            Gabrielle Clawson