Metal Gates Festival: Costin Chioreanu to join Hamferd on stage for a LIVE PAINTING Session

Hamferd show from Metal Gates Festival 2019, promise to be enveloped in a unique and dark artistic ceremony that cannot be missed!The Romanian artist Costin Chioreanu will join the 6 musicians from Hamferd, on stage, for a LIVE PAINTING Session during the entire show!The theme and the dynamics of their music will lead the […]

Interview: Ashleigh Semkiw of Tulip

I recently discovered Tulip, an interesting and very promising new metal band coming from America. The powerful operatic vocals of singer Ashleigh really shine through the strong metal instrumental. Their style follows the recipe of symphonic metal, with strong prog influences, but it adds an extra flair, which I can […]

Alternosfera – 20 de ani

Imi amintesc cand am mers prima oara la Alternosfera, undeva prin 2010, intr-un clubulet mic, in care nu stiu daca am fost 100 de spectatori. Abia ii descoperisem, eram mare fan, si nerabdator sa ii vad. Insa de atunci au evoluat spectaculos, si iata cum 9 ani mai tarziu, pe […]

FIRMA deschide concertul Bon Jovi

Miscare de conjuctura aproape astrala pentru FiRMA care va urca pe scena inainte de BON JOVI! FiRMA se gaseste in contextul in care nu va mai putea onora invitatia de a concerta pe 22 iulie alaturi de legendara trupa britanica THE CURE, EDITORS si God Is An Astronaut, din motive […]