Papa Roach si Hollywood Undead canta pe 3 martie la Bucuresti la Arenele Romane in cort incalzit. In deschidere vor canta Ice Nine Kills. Ice Nine Kills vin din Statele Unite, mai exact din Boston si abordeaza un Metalcore cu influente de punk si chiar symphonic metal pe alocuri. Activeaza […]
Moonspell and Rotting Christ – The art of waiting after midnight/concert review
I always enjoy coming a bit early to most of the concerts, just to get used with the vibes, meet people, share the excitement and some opinions. Needless to say, the hype about Moonspell and Rotting Christ was real. Unfortunately, we were told the bands are going to be a […]
Papa Roach si Hollywood Undead pe 3 Martie la Arenele Romane
Papa Roach si Hollywood Undead canta pe 3 martie la Bucuresti la Arenele Romane in cort incalzit. Biletele se pun in vanzare pe 1 noiembrie la ora 10:00. Primele 200 de bilete earlybird la pret special se vor gasi pe Pana atunci fanii celor doua trupe vor primi un […]
Apocalyptica anunță albumul “Cell-0” și noua melodie “Ashes of the Modern World”
Finlandezii de la Apocalyptica sunt gata să zguduie lumea din nou. Trupa cunoscută pentru faimosul stile de „Cello Metal” a anunțat cel de-al nouălea album de studio, dar și un nou single de pe viitorul material “Cell-0”. Melodia se numește “Ashes of the Modern World” și o puteți asculta mai […]
Metal Gates Festival: Costin Chioreanu to join Hamferd on stage for a LIVE PAINTING Session
Hamferd show from Metal Gates Festival 2019, promise to be enveloped in a unique and dark artistic ceremony that cannot be missed!The Romanian artist Costin Chioreanu will join the 6 musicians from Hamferd, on stage, for a LIVE PAINTING Session during the entire show!The theme and the dynamics of their music will lead the […]
Evanescence Brought Bucharest to Life
Bucharest was definitely Brought to Life! Once again Evanescence graced us with their music and presence and we were there for it. The night was opened by Chaos Magic, who were bringing a nice rendition of symphonic metal. The crowd was gathering surprisingly early and they did play to a […]
Interview: Ashleigh Semkiw of Tulip
I recently discovered Tulip, an interesting and very promising new metal band coming from America. The powerful operatic vocals of singer Ashleigh really shine through the strong metal instrumental. Their style follows the recipe of symphonic metal, with strong prog influences, but it adds an extra flair, which I can […]
Nostalgia is a seductive liar: Bon Jovi concert in Bucharest
If there is one show I regret missing, it is Bon Jovi in 2011. I was decided not to miss them this time around. I heard people talk beforehand that Jon had trouble with his vocal cords and will probably not be up to the task. Vocally speaking, it was […]
Alternosfera – 20 de ani
Imi amintesc cand am mers prima oara la Alternosfera, undeva prin 2010, intr-un clubulet mic, in care nu stiu daca am fost 100 de spectatori. Abia ii descoperisem, eram mare fan, si nerabdator sa ii vad. Insa de atunci au evoluat spectaculos, si iata cum 9 ani mai tarziu, pe […]
FIRMA deschide concertul Bon Jovi
Miscare de conjuctura aproape astrala pentru FiRMA care va urca pe scena inainte de BON JOVI! FiRMA se gaseste in contextul in care nu va mai putea onora invitatia de a concerta pe 22 iulie alaturi de legendara trupa britanica THE CURE, EDITORS si God Is An Astronaut, din motive […]