Apocalyptica in Bucharest – or how live music is the closest we get to magic

Apocalyptica descended upon Bucharest in a show we will surely remember. They have been celebrating their 20th anniversary for a few years, so we were glad to see them return with Apocalyptica plays Metallica by 4 cellos.

First of all, we all know Apocalyptica, the world famous metal cello band. I had seen them last year in a festival so I already knew just how incredible their live show was. That being said, we were not ready for what came. It was an incredible night of emotional music, that left us all wondering how they can do all of that with just cellos. But more than that, their stage presence, their charisma, their wit, all made for a great evening.

The show had two parts, the first seeing the 4 celloists in front of panels, creating such a powerful image. Would have been much appreciated if the stage was not so low, and most of us could have actually seen that. The magic of a cello show is that the audience can be heard so much louder, somehow making a 1700 people show seem so intimate and special. Though you’d expect the public to singalong a bit more loudly to well known Metallica songs.

They started strong with bangers like Enter Sandman and Master of Puppets, continuing to play songs from their first ever album (obviously Metallica cover album). It was really magical from beginning to end. Even for those who knew the band, myself included, it was surprising and incredible to hear it all and know it’s being done just with 4 cellos. The sound and atmosphere was just so intense.

Photo credits: Adelina Sahlean

The second part of the show was heavier, with the appearance of drummer Mikko Sirén and hist very interesting drum set. They took us through well known songs, but also included some gems such as Orion or Escape. And for a little snippet for those who paid attention, during Seek & Destroy, they also gave us some tunes from AC/DC’s Thunderstruck.

Photo credits: Adelina Sahlean

What I must definitely mention is that I have rarely seen better interaction with the public. Eicca and Perttu took turns engaging the crowd, sharing anecdotes, being funny and very charming. Kudos to Perttu for being quick silver on stage, running all around while playing a cello. And a huge bow to Eicca, who clearly fought through fever and illness to still give us one hell of a show.

It’s been a couple of days and I am still thinking of how great the show was. We all knew they are great musicians, but seeing them on stage is something else. The whole show is just something else, pure magic. I am so glad we were able to see them in Bucharest once again, and let’s hope we do this again soon.

Apocalyptica la Arenele Romane: Program și reguli de acces

Pe 29 octombrie ne întâlnim la Arenele Romane (cort încălzit) la un nou concert cu finlandezii de la Apocalyptica: “Apocalyptica plays Metallica by 4 cellos” unde trupa vor canta integral materialul care i-a consacrat alături de multe alte hituri Metallica.





ATENȚIE: FUMATUL în cortul încălzit al Arenelor Romane ESTE INTERZIS !!! Se fumează doar în locurile special amenajate !!!

Porțile Arenelor Romane se deschid la ora 20:00 iar concertul începe la ora 21:00, porțile fiind deschise până la finalul concertului.

Accesul se face prin intrarea din parc a Arenelor Romane (cea mare, standard, de jos) și fiecare categorie de bilet va avea câte un coridor special.

Accesul în perimetrul evenimentului este permis pe baza de bilet valid. Odata intrați în incinta Arenelor Romane, nu puteți părăsi locația decât în caz de urgență. În caz contrar va trebui să cumpărați un alt bilet. Posesorii de bilete Golden Circle vor primi o brățară specială cu care pot intra și în zona de Acces General.

Zona de concert are o singură zonă de acces și cinci ieșiri de siguranță marcate ca atare. Normele de siguranță le găsiți mai jos. La locație va fi prezent un punct de prim ajutor.

Guestlist-ul este valabil până la ora 21:00.


Este interzis in zona de concert:

– accesul cu arme sau obiecte periculoase

– accesul cu alcool sau alte bauturi si alimente din exteriorul zonei de festival.

– accesul cu materiale inflamabile, canistre pe gaz sau masini de gatit de orice fel

– umbrele (concertul are loc in cort incalzit)

– aparate foto profesionale sau semi-profesionale (cu obiectiv detasabil)

– aparate de inregistrare audio-video profesionale sau semi-profesionale.

De asemenea va rugam sa lasati animalele de companie acasa. 


Pentru a avea parte de un concert in siguranta, Arenele Romane au facut inca 4 iesiri de urgenta in cort asa ca acum sunt 6 plus inca una in spatele scenei. A fost instalat un sistem de iluminat automat in caz de intrerupere a curentului electric. 

De asemenea, vor fi oameni de paza la toate iesirile de urgenta din Cort. Doua dintre ele duc in gangurile clasice iar patru dintre ele pe scarile care urca inspre iesirile de urgenta catre coronament care dau in parc.


-sa respecte masurile de aparare impotriva incendiilor, stabilite de SC Sfinx Experience SRL;

-sa nu introduca sau sa nu incerce introducerea in incinta de faclii, artificii, petarde, torte, recipiente, materiale incendiare ori fumigene, substante toxice, substante iritant-lacrimogene sau cu efect paralizant (ori alte asemenea materiale, substante sau obiecte), obiecte artizanale si de distractie, pe baza de amestecuri pirotehnice, artificii din categoria “obiecte zburatoare luminoase”, pocnitori ori altele asemenea ce pot favoriza producerea si propagarea incendiilor;

-sa nu aduca in stare de neutilizare, indiferent de mod, semnele, afisele, marcajele sau altele asemenea, destinate apararii impotriva incendiilor aflate in incinta

-sa nu aduca in stare de neutilizare, indiferent de mod, mijloacele tehnice de aparare impotriva incendiilor aflate in incinta;

-publicului ii este interzis sa dezlipeasca sau sa distruga reclamele, anunturile si afisele expuse de organizator in incinta ansamblului construit, precum si sa deterioreze, sa ridice sau sa mute semnele ori indicatoarele amplasate de organizator, pentru facilitarea accesului in incinta, a evacuarii persoanelor, a interventiei in situatii de urgenta sau a celor care semnaleaza existenta unui pericol pentru viata persoanelor;

-sa fumeze numai in locurile fara pericol de incendiu, special amenajate si marcate.


 – In cadrul evenimentului se vor comercializa diverse sortimente de bauturi, vanzarea acestora facandu-se pe baza de jetoane care pot fi procurate de la casele special amenajate. 

– Vanzarea produselor pe baza de jetoane faciliteaza o servire mai rapida

– Contravaloarea jetoanelor ramase se returneaza pana la finalul evenimentului doar pe baza bonului fiscal! 


-Biletele se gasesc in format electronic pe www.iabilet.ro si in magazinele Flanco, Diverta, Carturesti, Metrou Unirii 1, Muzica, IQ BOX, Uman, Casa de Balet si pe terminalele Selfpay. Online, puteti plati cu cardul, Paypal,carduri de tichete culturale Sodexo, pe factura la Vodafone sau Orange sau ramburs prin Fan Courier oriunde in tara.

Biletele au urmatoarele preturi:

– presale: 119 acces general /175 golden circle

– la acces: 150 acces general 200 golden circle

La pretul tuturor biletelor se adauga comisionul de 5 lei.

Zona Golden Circle are doar 400 de locuri si se afla in fata scenei.

Toate biletele sunt cu loc in picioare.

– Accesul in spatiul de eveniment va fi permis unei singure persoane pe baza biletului valid, o singura data. Biletul in baza caruia se va face accesul va trebui pastrat pe toata durata concertului.

– Parasirea perimetrului de concert, dupa validarea biletului de acces, va fi strict interzisa. Persoanele care doresc sa paraseasca zona de eveniment o pot face, dar la iesire bratara le va fi rupta si daca doresc sa intre din nou, vor trebui sa-si cumpere alte bilete.

 – Este strict interzisa vanzarea sau cumpararea invitatiilor si vanzarea sau cumpararea biletelor la suprapret. Organizatorii isi rezerva dreptul de a interzice intrarea la concert a persoanelor care vor fi depistate ca desfasoara astfel de activitati si de a confisca invitatiile, respectiv biletele, aflate in posesia acestora. Se recomanda achizitionarea biletelor doar din punctele de vanzare autorizate.

 – Accesul in zona de Golden Circle se face pe baza bratarii primita la intrare. Spectatorii cu acest tip de bilete vor avea acces si in zona de Acces General. Spectatorii care au bilete la categoria Acces General nu vor avea acces la Golden Circle. 

Un eveniment BestMusic Live Concerts powered by ROCK FM

Apocalyptica plays Metallica by 4 cellos la București

Pe 29 octombrie ne întâlnim la Arenele Romane (cort încălzit) la un nou concert cu finlandezii de la Apocalyptica: “Apocalyptica plays Metallica by 4 cellos” unde trupa vor canta integral materialul care i-a consacrat alături de multe alte hituri Metallica.

În mai 1996, Apocalyptica lansau albumul de debut “Metallica by four cellos”, o operă rock care a schimbat peisajul muzical al următorilor 20 de ani. Alături de acest epic album, la București, trupa va cânta și reinterpretări în premieră ale pieselor “Battery”, “Nothing Else Matters și “Seek and Destroy”. Finlandezii oferă o abordare unică a hiturilor celei mai mari trupe de rock din lume, Metallica. În plus, Apocalyptica și-au creat propriul stil și o carieră încununată de succes și de milioane de albume vândute în jurul lumii.

Biletele se găsesc în format electronic pe www.iabilet.ro și în magazinele Flanco, Diverta, Cărturești, Metrou Unirii 1, Muzica, IQ BOX, Uman, Libmag, Casa de Balet și pe terminalele Selfpay. Online, puteți plăti cu cardul, Paypal, pe factura la Vodafone sau Orange sau ramburs prin Fan Courier oriunde în țară.

Biletele au următoarele prețuri:

  • earlybird: 109 lei Acces General si 155 lei Golden Circle (in fata scenei) – primele 200 de bilete
  • presale: 119 lei Acces General si 175 lei Golden Circle – urmatoarele 300 de bilete
  • presale: 129 lei Acces General si 185 lei Golden Circle
  • la intrare: 150 lei Acces General cu 200 lei Golden Circle

Numărul biletelor din Golden Circle este limitat la doar 400 de bucăți. La prețul tuturor biletelor comandate în earlybird și presale se adaugă comisionul de emitere bilet de 5 lei. Accesul copiilor sub 7 ani este gratuit dacă sunt însoțiti de un adult posesor de bilet valabil.

Un eveniment BestMusic Live Concerts powered by ROCK FM

Varna Mega Rock 2018 – Nightwish, Apocalyptica, Glenn Hughes, Kamelot

For two days (18-19 August), Varna Mega Rock attracted thousands and thousands of people with an unbeatable line-up of Kamelot, Glenn Hughes, Apocalyptica, and the big headliners, Nightwish. The festival is a very special one, so close to the beach, which was enjoyed by fans and bands alike. The weather was good, with a nice breeze blowing.

The first night was very exciting, starting with local acts Krossfire (who brought Romanian singer Aura on stage for a special song) and Kikimora. Then it was time for Kamelot, who absolutely killed it. They didn’t have to go so hard, and yet they did that!! They made sure the public was not standing still for a single moment. There were times I thought they were over-doing it with the Hey! Hey!, but they gave it their all and got the same from the public. Their setlist was as inspired as always, mixing the old classics with songs off their new album. Very special mention for “Here’s to the fall”, a very emotional ballad where the public joins in with their cell phone lights.

Many people were left wondering how Kamelot was not headlining the day. But they soon got the answer when Glenn Hughes got on stage. Best known for his bass and vocal work with Deep Purple, he is a legend of music and it felt like an honor to be able to see him. In a very purple hippie outfit, he impressed us all with his voice and moves, with energy, with dedication. Unlike Kamelot, he did not have to try to rile up the crowd. You just knew he came to do his thing and his many years in the music were showing, having the public eat out of his hand. He was humble and friendly in a way that made you forget just how big he was. He kept saying that it wasn’t the public who came to see him, but him who came to see the public. Of course, Smoke on The Water was the highlight of the performance.

All in all, a very strong day, great music, impeccable organisation. The latter was only true, however, for the first day. On the second day the gates were supposed to open at 4:30 and at almost 6, the stage wasn’t set up yet. The Nightwish screens and pyro were still being set up. I was allowed in the venue and got to see what was happening, but unfortunately, the hundreds and hundreds of people waiting had no idea why they were left outside for two further hours. Delays are bound to happen in the music business (not that I understand how the truck didn’t get there a good two days after their previous concert, which was 4 hours away). However, the way organizers deal with it is problem. I feel like they could have done a better job communicating with the people, both online and offline. Moreover, it would have been nice to distribute some water to the people waiting for hours outside the gates, ready to run and wait some more hours in the front of the stage.

Because of this huge delay, the first 2 bands had to be cancelled. I felt sorry for them, because they were there, dressed, prepared, ready to hit the stage, and they couldn’t. They had made plans and relied on the idea that they would share the stage with Apocalyptica and the mighty Nightwish.

However, the day started with Apocalyptica, who blew my mind. I have no idea how I hadn’t seen them before. Absolutely incredible and slightly insane show of energy for cello players. This time they were playing Metallica by Four Cellos, a fully instrumental show, but one where the public came in to fill the lyrics of the most famous Metallica songs. Huge show by them, definitely worth seeing again.

Finally, the Nightwish intro! We are doing this! What a show that was! Celebrating 20 years of activity, Nightwish are coming with Decades, a compilation album showcasing their most essential songs. While Greatest Show on Earth or Ghost Love Score were sure to be in the setlist, I loved hearing Dead Boy’s Poem, Come Cover Me, Elvenpath. Their show was a masterpiece of vocal and instrumental prowess, energy, joy, great music, and, of course, FIRE! I appreciated that the stage was high and far enough for the first row not to feel extra scared of being burned alive, even though giant flames were going on in front of them, giving off tremendous heat.

Image may contain: 1 person, on stage, night and outdoor

Other highlights of the show were I Want My Tears Back – a song where the public is always invited to dance and jump – or Slaying the Dreamer, which is just pure insanity. Song after song, we were show why they are the greatest. Compared to the previous Nightwish concert, I felt the Varna crowd a bit … quiet, especially when the band “left the stage” before the encore and they were mostly followed by silence. But with Ghost Love Score as an encore, the public revived to scream and dance and marvel at how amazing Floor’s vocals are.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, playing a musical instrument, on stage, night, concert and indoor

All in all, I am very happy with the fest, but it is also so because I did not wait for hours in the sun. They had a decent selection of food and drinks and the queues were not bad. The line-up was absolutely incredible, so I am sure that all fans will only remember the great feelings, that they got to see Kamelot, Glenn Hughes, Apocalyptica and NIGHTWISH!

Let me know when the next edition of Varna Mega Rock is, because I am coming!