I recently discovered Tulip, an interesting and very promising new metal band coming from America. The powerful operatic vocals of singer Ashleigh really shine through the strong metal instrumental. Their style follows the recipe of symphonic metal, with strong prog influences, but it adds an extra flair, which I can […]
The stories behind our actions
Do you ever sit and think about why are you doing some things and consider who has done or said them first? It may sound as overthinking. This is not something we do all the time; unless one is fond of digging towards the root of things. Some people study […]
Sonata Arctica have released new album “Talviyö” and video for “Who Failed The Most”
Sonata Arctica are back in force with a new album and video! They have released today their 10th studio album, »Talviyö« (“Winter Night”), and it’s definitely a good one. It is symphonic, atmospheric, and powerful, everything you can wish from from the Finnish band. With both cheerful tunes and their […]
Concert Evanescence la Arenele Romane
Pe 15 septembrie EVANESCENCE vor canta din nou la Bucuresti la Arenele Romane. La minimum 4 bilete Premium sau Teren cumparate ai discount 20% La minimum 8 bilete Premium sau Teren cumparate ai discount 30% Evanescence, una dintre cele mai iubite si apreciate trupe rock americane, se afla din nou intr-o formula magica […]
Evanescence la Bucuresti: Program si reguli de acces
Evanescence, una dintre cele mai iubite si apreciate trupe rock americane, se reintoarce in Bucuresti, pe scena Arenelor Romane, in data de 15 Septembrie. In deschidere vor urca pe scena Veridia si Chaos Magic ft. Caterina Nix. 1. REGULI DE ACCES Accesul in incinta Arenelor Romane se face incepand cu […]
United Stories of American Women
Americans are proud of their history. They are proud of the independence they fought for, and they even, sometimes, bury the not-so-honorable portions of history to remain prideful. Growing up in America, you learn of this soil’s history nearly as soon as you start school, but it is painfully clear […]
Mother Tongues
Mother Tongue (noun): the language which a person has grown up speaking from early childhood. My mother tongue is English. My father’s mother tongue is English, too. My father’s father’s mother tongue was Yiddish. It was the only language he spoke until he was eight, when he fled his […]
Actorul principal din Vikings vine la Transylvania Comic Con
Alexander Ludwig, actor cunoscut pentru rolurile sale din The Hunger Games și Vikings, vine pentru prima dată la Transylvania Comic Con, eveniment ce se desfășoară în Cluj-Napoca, la Sala Polivalentă, în perioada 18-20 octombrie. Actorul de origine canadiană și-a făcut debutul într-o reclamă pentru franciza Harry Potter. După o serie de roluri în producții americane, atât […]
Interview: Bad Blood
Bad Blood are a new project promising to make a big splash. Even before their first album was released, they came up with a new way of thinking about music and revenue, allowing fans to buy stake rights to their song, by partnering with Vezt. They then lined up some […]
ArtMania 2019
Așezat în inima Transilvaniei, orașul Sibiu este o încântare pentru mine. Această zonă magnifică, medievală, cu arhitectură veche, este și va fi un centru de cultură, de istorie și de evenimente deosebite precum este și evenimentul pentru care revin cu drag, în fiecare an: festivalul ARTmania, desfășurat în Piața […]