Interview: ZFG

Teen Art Out: Let’s start by asking you how you guys ended up together to form a band? Trev: We all had our own separate projects going at the time we decided get together in the studio. Josh and I met through a mutual friend a few years back and […]

Dirty Shirt despre noul album: „Letchology a luat ce a fost mai bun din Dirtylicious, FolkCore DeTour și Freak Show”

De ceva vreme, pe la ultimele concerte marca Dirty Shirt am avut parte de bucăți din noul material, râdeam când auzeam „asta nu știm cum se numește, dar v-o cântăm că e nouă și faină” și apoi ne rupeam capetele și picioarele în fața scenei. Iată că a venit momentul […]

LEPROUS launch new single & video “Angel” (Massive Attack cover)!

Norwegian progressive Rock group LEPROUS are releasing a new digital single and video clip (Directed by Costin Chioreanu / Twilight13Media) of their cover version of “Angel” by Massive Attack today. Check out the video here: And the single here:    LEPROUS frontman Einar Solberg checked in with the following comment about “Angel”: “There’s a first for […]

Despre fotografie cu Miluță Flueraș, Carlos Funes și Paul Voicu

Când mă gândesc la concertele care m-au marcat, îmi apar in fața ochilor câteva instantanee, acele sclipiri intense care fac showul de neuitat. Din fericire, pot să le retrăiesc prin munca fotografilor de concerte. Ei sunt cei care au grijă mereu să prindă momentele speciale, să fie unde trebuie, când […]

Interview: Max Ater

Born and raised on the coast of Southern Maine, 25 year-old pop/country phenomenon Max Ater has quickly taken New England by storm with his powerful voice and lyrics. No stranger to the stage, Max spent his teenage years honing his skills at open mics, community theatre, and at fairs and […]

Interview: Jason Hartless

You have started playing and touring at a very early age. How do you now look back to that time? I was very lucky to have parents that were very supportive and a father that understood the business and guided me into the direction to get me where I am […]