Anneke van Giersbergen recently announced the release of her new solo album ‘The Darkest Skies Are The Brightest’. Today she is happy to reveal “My Promise” as the album’s first single. The track premieres alongside an accompanying music video. Anneke comments: “I wrote ‘My Promise’ when I imagined what life after divorce would […]
LEPROUS release new single “Castaway Angels” and video clip!
Norwegian Rock outfit LEPROUS is delighted to release a brand-new single entitled “Castaway Angels” via InsideOutMusic today. The song was recently tracked at Ocean Sound Recordings in Norway and then mixed by Adam Noble (Placebo, Biffy Clyro, Nothing But Thieves). You can check out and obtain the song here: And watch its video clip […]
Ad Infinitum’s Melissa Bonny: “You can do as much as you can handle with the 24 hours of the day”

Ad Infinitum are a band that skyrocketed to the top of my favourite bands after hearing just one single from their debut album, namely “Marching on Versailles”. It was everything I wanted in a song or band I just didn’t know it yet. When they followed that with “See You […]
Interview: Richard Sjunnesson (The Unguided)
Swedish melodic death metal formation THE UNGUIDED hit hard with their full-length album Father Shadow, released today. The explosive full-length breaks down the barriers between melodic death metal, metalcore and fitting electronic sounds. Clean hooklines explode in classifying screams, leading up to a unique symbiosis of pure harshness. Their albums always tell intricate stories and […]
Wardruna canta pe 8 Iulie 2022 la Arenele Romane

Wardruna se reprogrameaza pe 8 Iulie 2022 la Arenele Romane Din cauza contextului international si national si a masurilor de siguranta si de securitate ce se impun in combatarea raspandirii pandemiei de COVID-19, concertul WARDRUNA de anul acesta de la Bucuresti se REPROGRAMEAZA din nou in 2022, pe 8 iulie, […]
SKID ROW RĂMÂNE UNUL DINTRE HEADLINERI Dragi prieteni, în primul rând dorim să vă mulțumim pentru sprijin și răbdare în toată acestă perioadă de incertitudine. În ultimele săptămâni am primit de la voi multe mesaje pline de speranța că Posada Rock se va ține în 2020, în ciuda contextului care […]
The Dead Daisies canta in deschidere la Judas Priest

Judas Priest revin la Bucuresti pe 18 iulie 2022 la Arenele Romane in cadrul turneului aniversar 50 Heavy Metal Years! In deschidere vor urca pe scena pe langa Amalgama si The Dead Daisies. The Dead Daisies este un supergrup format in Australia, la Sydney, bazele acestuia fiind puse de David […]
“We wanted to tell our fans that we are not a band from whom they can expect what comes next” – Interview with Beyond the Black’s Jennifer Haben

Beyond the Black have just released their newest album, HØRIZØNS. The singles released so far painted a different picture for this album, with quite a strong change of direction. For older BtB who weren’t feeling it yet, I have to say hang on. There will be something there for you. […]
AD INFINITUM Chapter I: Monarchy – album review

There is nothing like new music to lift our spirits during these times. I was lucky enough to get a sneak preview of AD INFINITUM’s upcoming album Chapter I: Monarchy, and I am excited! They already released a couple of bangers singles and absolutely over-the-top videos (in the best way […]
Epica, Loch Vostok și Magnetic confirmate la Maximum Rock Festival 2020
Maximum Rock Festival revine în forță cu cea de-a opta ediție, de această dată Open Air, care promite să fie una de neuitat și să depășească toate așteptările. Așadar, între 13-14 iunie 2020 ne vedem la Arenele Romane din București pentru un weekend demențial! EPICA (Olanda), LOCH VOSTOK (Suedia), MAGNETIC […]